symmetrica (3.1.0+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream minor version (Closes: #748142, #1092422). * Debianization: - d/copyright: - copyright year-tuples, update; - SONAME, bump to 3; - d/control: - Build-Depends field, add pkgconf; - libsymmetrica-dev, Suggests field, add pkgconf; - clean-up; - d/watch, correct; - d/patches/*: - d/p/debianization.patch, introduce; - d/libsymmetrica-dev.install, refresh; - d/adhoc/examples/Makefile: - LDLIBS, now set via pkgconf; - copyright year-tuples, update; - d/tests/*: - d/t/control: - Depends field, add pkgconf. -- Jerome Benoit Sat, 18 Jan 2025 21:12:03 +0000 symmetrica (3.0.1+ds-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Debianization: - d/watch, correct; - d/control: - Standards-Version, bump to version 4.7.0 (no change); - d/copyright: - copyright year-tuples, update; - d/adhoc/examples/Makefile: - copyright year-tuples, update; - d/source/*: - d/s/lintian-overrides, refresh. -- Jerome Benoit Sun, 19 May 2024 13:46:55 +0000 symmetrica (3.0.1+ds-2.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Non-maintainer upload. * Rename libraries for 64-bit time_t transition. Closes: #1062937 -- Benjamin Drung Thu, 29 Feb 2024 17:54:11 +0000 symmetrica (3.0.1+ds-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Debianization: - d/control: - libsymmetrica2-dev, reintroduced as transitional package. -- Jerome Benoit Thu, 09 Jun 2022 16:16:37 +0000 symmetrica (3.0.1+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New modern fork version as maintained by the SageMath team. * Debianization: - d/watch, migration to SageMath repository at GitLab; - d/repack, discard; - d/copyright: - Upstream-Contact, now The Sage Development Team; - Source, migration to SageMath repository; - Comment, obsoleted; - Files-Excluded list, introduce; - copyright, update; - d/control: - Maintainer, now Debian Math Team; - Vcs-*, migration to math-team; - debhleper, migration to version 13; - Homepage, now the SageMath repository page at GitLab; - Standards-Version, bump to 4.6.1 (no change); - Rules-Requires-Root, introduce and set to no; - Build-Depends, revist; - libsymmetrica2-dev package, rename libsymmetrica-dev; - d/rules, refresh; - d/clean, clean; - d/tests/*: - d/t/control, refresh; - d/t/build-examples, now use AUTOPKGTEST_TMP; - d/adhoc/examples/Makefile: - copyright material, correct; - d/u/metadata, introduce; - d/patches/*, obsoleted; - d/compat, obsoleted; - d/libsymmetrica2.symbols: - Build-Depends-Package, introduce; - d/libsymmetrica2.lintian-overrides, refresh. -- Jerome Benoit Sun, 05 Jun 2022 23:04:55 +0000 symmetrica (2.0+ds-6) unstable; urgency=medium [ Jelmer Vernooij ] * Use secure copyright file specification URI. [ Jerome Benoit ] * Debianization: - debian/copyright: - copyright year tuples, update; - debian/control: - debhelper, bump to 11; - Standards Version, bump to 4.3.0 (no change); - Vcs-* fields, migrate to salsa; - debian/rules: - get-orig-source target, remove; - debian/source/*: - d/s/lintian-overrides, refresh; - d/s/options, remove; -- Jerome Benoit Wed, 26 Dec 2018 11:56:31 +0000 symmetrica (2.0+ds-5) unstable; urgency=medium * Debianization: - debian/copyright, refresh; - debian/control: - debhelper, bump to 10; - Standards Version, bump to 4.1.1 (no change); - empty Build-Depends-Indep field, remove; - debian/patches/*: - d/p/upstream-source-typo.patch, improve; - debian/rules: - debhelper, bump to 10; - honour DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck , fix (Closes: #882198). -- Jerome Benoit Wed, 22 Nov 2017 07:10:39 +0000 symmetrica (2.0+ds-4) unstable; urgency=medium * Debianization: - debian/copyright, refresh; - debian/control: - Standards Version, bump to 3.9.8 (no change); - Vcs-*, secure; - debug symbol package, drop off in favour of automatic generation; - debian/rules: - dpkg-buildflags, add hardening=+all; - debug symbol package, drop off (see above); - build-arch/build-indep scheme, introduce; - documentation installation, rationalize; - debian/patches: - d/p/upstream-source-typo.patch, enrich; - d/p/upstream-fix-doc-typo.patch, enrich; - debian/libsymmetrica2.lintian-overrides, refresh; - debian/adhoc/examples, enhance; - debian/tests/*, introduce. -- Jerome Benoit Sun, 15 May 2016 22:07:40 +0000 symmetrica (2.0+ds-3) unstable; urgency=medium * Debianization: - debian/changelog: - add #762730 Closes brakets; - debian/control: - Vcs-Git header, typo; - debian/clean: - add to replace hardened dh material; - debian/rules: - hardened dh material, wipe out. -- Jerome Benoit Wed, 08 Oct 2014 12:05:38 +0000 symmetrica (2.0+ds-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Debianization: - debian/rules, hardened dh_autoreconf (Closes: #762730). -- Jerome Benoit Wed, 24 Sep 2014 19:46:23 +0000 symmetrica (2.0+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New maintainer (Closes: #761243). * Debianization: - debian/copyright: - in DEP-5 format, bump; - proper copyright license, ISC instead of GPL-2+; - refresh; - debian/control: - debhelper build-dep to >= 9, bump; - Standards Version 3.9.6, bump; - Vcs-* headers, provide/refresh (Closes: #697315); - debian/source, format 3.0 (quilt), bump; - debian/watch file, refresh; - debian/repack, repack script to folder the source material; - debian/rules: - full and minal dh integration; - hardened dh_auto_clean; - get-orig-source uscan based target which downloads the currently packaged upstream tarball and repacks it; - default target which basically queries package status with uscan -- output in DEHS format; - debian/patches/: - Sage patches, apply with minor modifications; - doc patches, harmonize and correct; - script-version, create by hand wrt `def.h' and `macro.h'; - autotools build machinery, write from scratch to ease maintenance; - library versionning, introduce (version 2); - library header, named `symmetrica.h', introduce; - goto-cc analysis, (hopefully) neutralize (Closes: #748142); - gpg-signature check support, neutralize; - debug and document packages, introduce (Closes: #577261); - simple Symmetrica sample, provide; * Minor, cosmetic fixes submitted to the upstream maintainer team. -- Jerome Benoit Mon, 22 Sep 2014 20:55:52 +0000 symmetrica (2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes: #480083). -- Tim Abbott Wed, 25 Jun 2008 16:17:23 -0400