xindy ( unstable; urgency=medium * For any reason master was committed w/ patches applied. Revert that step. * latin.xdy is built incorrectly (causing crash) (LP: #1735439) * Fix / Override Lintian stuff (also for source package). * Update 'Standards-Version' to 4.7.0. no changes required. * Simply delete modified files during clean stage; thanks to Phil Wyett <> for the idea (Closes: #1048039). * Enable self tests from debian/ using autopkgtest. -- Hilmar Preuße <> Fri, 20 Sep 2024 23:35:03 +0200 xindy ( unstable; urgency=medium [ Debian Janitor ] * Remove constraints unnecessary since buster: + Build-Depends: Drop versioned constraint on clisp. + xindy: Drop versioned constraint on clisp in Depends. -- Norbert Preining <> Sat, 04 Sep 2021 18:27:48 +0900 xindy ( unstable; urgency=medium * Apply patch from xindy PR 6 to fix hyperref compatibility. -- Norbert Preining <> Tue, 09 Mar 2021 17:46:02 +0900 xindy ( unstable; urgency=medium [ Debian Janitor ] * Bump debhelper dependency to >= 9, since that's what is used in debian/compat. * Bump debhelper from deprecated 9 to 12. * Set debhelper-compat version in Build-Depends. * Rely on pre-initialized dpkg-architecture variables. * Update standards version to 4.5.1, no changes needed. * Apply multi-arch hints. + xindy-rules: Add Multi-Arch: foreign. [ Hilmar Preusse ] * Apply patch for #968437, thanks to Petter Reinholdtsen <>, (Closes: #968437). * Lintian: W: xindy source: useless-autoreconf-build-depends autotools-dev W: xindy source: useless-autoreconf-build-depends dh-autoreconf W: national-encoding P: copyright-refers-to-symlink-license * Lintian Override for Xindy input files: W: xindy-rules: national-encoding -- Hilmar Preusse <> Sat, 16 Jan 2021 21:56:30 +0100 xindy ( unstable; urgency=medium New Upload to force rebuild (Closes: #934633) * Add me to Uploaders. * Fix Debian/watch file. * Bump Standards Version, no changes necessary. -- Hilmar Preusse <> Mon, 12 Aug 2019 22:20:18 +0200 xindy ( unstable; urgency=medium * source only upload -- Norbert Preining <> Fri, 19 Jul 2019 14:38:36 +0900 xindy ( unstable; urgency=medium * update VCS, my email, standards version -- Norbert Preining <> Sat, 02 Mar 2019 15:37:26 +0900 xindy ( unstable; urgency=medium [ Sébastien Villemot ] * Use clisp-memfile-hash instead of clisp-fasl-loader virtual dependency. See the discussion in #886986 for more details. (Closes: #896124) [ Norbert Preining ] * update VCS fields to Salsa -- Norbert Preining <> Fri, 20 Apr 2018 10:35:26 +0900 xindy ( unstable; urgency=medium * rebuild for new clisp-fasl-loader -- Norbert Preining <> Mon, 23 Oct 2017 08:00:47 +0900 xindy ( unstable; urgency=medium * cleanup patches, bump standards version (no changes necessary) * bump (b-)depends on clisp to avoid clisp-fasl-loader problems (See #877223, thanks Agustin Martin) -- Norbert Preining <> Thu, 12 Oct 2017 08:53:58 +0900 xindy ( unstable; urgency=medium [ Hilmar Preuße ] * Patch from Agustin Martin to fix unescaped left brace (Closes: #826507) [ Norbert Preining ] * Use kpsewhich to search for modules. Patch by Akira Kakuto, TeX Live subversion: 41315 and 41316 * bump standards version, no changes necessary * dh compat version 9 -- Norbert Preining <> Mon, 19 Jun 2017 16:34:54 +0900 xindy ( unstable; urgency=medium * Take over of maintainership into Debian TeX group. * Ack NMU fixes (Closes: #617378, #713496, #739143) * new upstream releases * fix FTBFS due to missing quotes around CPPFLAGS (Closes: #809053) * switch to quilt format from dpatch - rename patches - disable config.* dpatch scripts, replace by dh_autotools-dev_updateconfig - remove dpatch dependency, change source format * bump standards version, no changes necessary -- Norbert Preining <> Fri, 15 Jan 2016 23:01:49 +0900 xindy (2.4-1.3) unstable; urgency=medium * Non-maintainer upload. * Add Build-Depends on texlive-fonts-recommended to fix FTBFS: I can't find file `ecrm1000'. (Closes: #739143) -- Andreas Moog <> Sun, 16 Feb 2014 21:26:40 +0100 xindy (2.4-1.2) unstable; urgency=low * Non-maintainer upload. * debian/control: - Add texlive-lang-greek build dependency. Seems no longer pulled automatically by TeXLive (Closes: #713496). - Bump Standards Version. No changes needed. - (lintian vcs-git-uses-invalid-user-uri): Use recommended URI for git anonymous access. - (lintian dm-upload-allowed-is-obsolete): Remove obsolete "DM-Upload-Allowed" field. * debian/ Do not install NEWS. It is installed as changelog by debian/rules. * debian/rules: Use hardened build-flags. * Be kind to Ubuntu launchpad: These were fixed in fixed in 2.4-1.1 NMU - (LP: #871588). - (LP: #939545). -- Agustin Martin Domingo <> Wed, 26 Jun 2013 18:25:19 +0200 xindy (2.4-1.1) unstable; urgency=low * Non-maintainer upload. * Make xindy work around clisp 2.49 not bumping LISPOBJ(version..) thus giving wrong clisp-fasl-loader version (Closes: #617378). This change is a dirty hack for xindy that should be reverted when built against newer clisp upstream release. -- Agustin Martin Domingo <> Fri, 02 Sep 2011 17:19:04 +0200 xindy (2.4-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release (closes: #555947) * Removed patches from the Debian package: + fix-manpages: the manpage in question was removed + rebuild-manpages: upstream updated the manpages, hence the problem with hyphen vs. dash is gone. * Set dependency on clisp-fasl-loader to ensure the correct clisp version is installed, because clisp's memory dumps depend on the version used for the dump. (closes: #580762) * Bumped Standards-Version; no changes needed. * Added debian/source/format to the source package. We still use format version 1.0, because we use dpatch with the script patch config.guess+sub. * Provided watch file. * Dropped useless dependency on texlive-xetex. It was added erroneously. -- Jörg Sommer <> Sun, 01 Aug 2010 04:31:43 +0200 xindy (2.4~pre1-3) unstable; urgency=low * Added clisp to the list of dependencies of xindy. (closes: #558167) -- Jörg Sommer <> Sat, 28 Nov 2009 01:46:29 +0100 xindy (2.4~pre1-2) unstable; urgency=low * Added a workaround for the broken check around --disable-(make-rules|docs) in configure. (closes: #548451) -- Jörg Sommer <> Tue, 10 Nov 2009 19:27:53 +0100 xindy (2.4~pre1-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release; downloaded from on 2009-09-20. * Remove dpatches: + latex-call and fix-stdout are applied upstream + fix-clisp-problems is obsolate due to new upstream source structure * New version requires build dependency on texlive-xetex. * Remove libffcall1-dev for build dependencies and replace clisp-dev by clisp, because the new version doesn't use an external clisp module, anymore. * Mark the xindy package buildable on any architecture, because we aren't limited to the architectures with external linking support anymore. We can build everywhere where CLISP is. * Added DM-Upload-Allowed to allow direct uploads by me. * Added fix-alphabets-doc-geometry.dpatch to correct the geometry of the document /u/s/d/x/alphabets-doc.pdf. Thanks to Simon Spiegel <> for reporting this issue. * Added the file README.source to describe how to use dpatch (or better said link to the defaul description in /usr/share/doc/dpatch). This satisfies the requirement of the Debian policy 3.8.0. * Bump policy version to 3.8.3 * Upload is sponsored by Norbert Preining. -- Jörg Sommer <> Tue, 22 Sep 2009 12:50:30 +0200 xindy (2.3-2) unstable; urgency=low * I found a better way to work around for the broken ordrulei.c generated by clisp. Added the dpatch fix-clisp-problems.dpatch for it and extended it to fix the new problems. (closes: #467585) * Added libffcall1-dev to the Build-Depends field, because it's necessary on linking with clisp-link, but clisp-dev doesn't have it as dependency. Otherwise the build of Xindy would fail. * Forgot to move the files in /u/l/xindy/modules/styles to /u/s/xindy/styles. Extended fix-FHS.dpatch. * Upload is sponsored by Norbert Preining. -- Jörg Sommer <> Sun, 02 Mar 2008 02:51:18 +0100 xindy (2.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * Removed external-clisp.dpatch, fix-cleanup.dpatch, fix-serbian.dpatch and fix-errors.dpatch. All are applied to the upstream source. * Rebuilt the manual pages tex2xindy.1, texindy.1 and xindy.1 at buildtime to fix the hyphen vs. minus sign problems. Removed the patch fix-manpage.dpatch. * Added a new patch fix-manpages.dpatch to correct the section of xindy.v2.1; 1 instead of 1L. * Adapted fix-FHS.dpatch to the new sources. * Made the path to clisp more generic. (closes: #458883) * Added workaround for broken clisp. + Clisp generates a broken rte/ordrules/ordrulei.c which includes undefined data types. Fixed by removing this lines from the generated file. + clisp-link calls the linker with -ldb, but a doesn't exist. Clisp itself is linked against libdb-4.6. Due to this I replace the -ldb by -ldb-4.6 in the file makevars. + clisp-link links the binary with libSM and libICE while dpkg-shlibdeps complains no symbols are used from these libraries. Removed them from the linker call. * Used the (new) real header instead of the Homepage pseudo header. * Added Vcs-Browser and Vcs-Git header. * Bumped Standards-Version; no changes needed. * Updated get-orig-source target in rules. * Added a simple function test simple_index in debian/tests. * Upload is sponsored by Norbert Preining. -- Jörg Sommer <> Wed, 23 Jan 2008 02:46:46 +0100 xindy (2.2~beta2-3) unstable; urgency=low * Acknowledge NMU. (closes: #424976) * Excluded arm, hppa, ia64, m68k, mipsel and s390 from the list of supported architectures. For every other architecture the clisp maintainer had enabled FFI support, at least in version 1:2.41-1. (closes: #425143) * Upload is sponsored by Norbert Preining. -- Jörg Sommer <> Sun, 20 May 2007 21:45:21 +0200 xindy (2.2~beta2-2.1) unstable; urgency=low * NMU of the sponsor to really fix the build issue * make the build target in debian/rules emtpy, binary-arch and binary-indep does everything (Closes: #424976) -- Norbert Preining <> Sat, 19 May 2007 11:15:12 +0200 xindy (2.2~beta2-2) unstable; urgency=low * Changed the build rules (in debian/rules) to use different configure calls for the different targets build-indep and build-arch. For build-arch, configure is instructed to build no documentation and make-rules, because latex is not available. (closes: #424976) * Removed tetex-extra as a possible build dependency, because it's removed from Debian. * Upload is sponsored by Norbert Preining. -- Jörg Sommer <> Fri, 18 May 2007 16:02:43 +0200 xindy (2.2~beta2-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release; closes: #362584 * Moved the files in the directory /usr/lib/xindy/modules/ to the more FHS-compatible directory /usr/share/xindy/, because they are architecture-independent. * Upload is sponsored by Norbert Preining -- Jörg Sommer <> Tue, 27 Feb 2007 15:06:56 +0100