4ti2 (1.6.9+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.
  * Debianization:
    - debian/repack, discard;
    - debian/watch:
      - version, bump to 4;
      - opts sequence, update;
      - path, update;
    - debian/copyright:
      - Comment field, remove;
      - Files-Excluded field, introduce;
    - debian/control:
      - Standards-Version, bump to 4.2.1 (no change);
    - debian/patches/*:
      - d/p/upstream-fix-PATH_MAX.patch , integrated.

 -- Jerome Benoit <calculus@rezozer.net>  Sat, 15 Sep 2018 15:54:51 +0000

4ti2 (1.6.7+ds-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Debianization:
    - debian/copyright:
      - Source field, update;
    - debina/control:
      - Homepage field, update;
      - Standards-Version, bump to 4.2.0;
    - debian/watch:
      - path, migration to GitHub;
      - opts sequence, add uversionmangle rule.

 -- Jerome Benoit <calculus@rezozer.net>  Tue, 21 Aug 2018 18:41:14 +0000

4ti2 (1.6.7+ds-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * FTBFS fix release (Closes: #897526), fix LaTeX composition failure
    (see d/p/upstream-fix-NEWS-ASCII.patch patch).
  * Debianization:
    - debian/copyright:
      - copyright years, refresh;
      - Format URI, secure;
    - debian/control:
      - debhelper, bump to 11;
      - Standards Version, bump to 4.1.4 (no major change);
      - Vcs-*, update;
    - debian/patches/*:
      - d/p/debianization-documentation.patch, update;
      - d/p/upstream-fix-NEWS-ASCII.patch, remove the non-ASCII
        character that disturbed LaTeX;
    - debian/rules:
      - debhelper, bump to 11;
      - dpkg-buildflags, add hardening=+all;
      - get-orig-source target, remove;
      - use pkg-info.mk ;
      - refresh;
    - debian/4ti2-doc.doc-base, update;

 -- Jerome Benoit <calculus@rezozer.net>  Fri, 04 May 2018 16:51:55 +0000

4ti2 (1.6.7+ds-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Debianization:
    - debian/patches:
      - d/p/debianization-documentation.patch, C locale and UTC time
        for generating the time stamp (Closes: #807829) --- thanks to
        Reiner Herrmann <reiner@reiner-h.de> for providing a patch;
    - debian/tests:
      - introduce.

 -- Jerome Benoit <calculus@rezozer.net>  Sun, 13 Dec 2015 18:23:09 +0000

4ti2 (1.6.7+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release:
    - underlinking fix, integrate;
    - broken walk test 344, fix.
  * Debianization:
    - debian/copyright, refresh;
    - debian/{patches,adhoc}/*:
      - test walk 344, revive;
      - refresh.

 -- Jerome Benoit <calculus@rezozer.net>  Sun, 13 Dec 2015 01:27:19 +0000

4ti2 (1.6.6+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.
  * Debianization:
    - debian/control:
      - Vcs-Browser field: correct;
      - Pre-Depends field: add;
    - debian/{patches,adhoc}/*:
      - underlinking fix (Closes: #801117);
      - test walk 344, temporary freeze;
      - refresh.

 -- Jerome Benoit <calculus@rezozer.net>  Mon, 02 Nov 2015 20:55:04 +0000

4ti2 (1.6.2+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Initial release. (Closes: #769997)
  * Debianization:
    - debian/copyright in DEP-5 format;
    - debian/control:
      - debhelper build-dep to >= 9;
      - Standards Version 3.9.6;
      - Vcs-* headers.
    - debian/source, format 3.0 (quilt);
    - build-arch/build-indep scheme, implement;
    - debian/patches/ patches:
      - in DEP-3 format;
      - de-gnulib-rarianization;
      - prepend 4ti2- to the name of the 4ti2 tools;
      - enforce the implicitly private shared scheme already present
        in the upstream source (what implicitly discard any development
      - make 4ti2{int32,int64,gmp} private wrt the private shared scheme;
    - debian/watch file;
    - debian/repack, repack script to clean up and gain weight;
    - debian/rules:
      - out of source building scheme to please git-buildpackage, please;
      - autoreconf-iguration;
      - full dh integration;
      - get-orig-source uscan based target which downloads the currently
        packaged upstream tarball and repacks it;
      - default target which basically queries package status with uscan
        -- output in DEHS format;
    - default precision set to arbitrary (gmp);
    - manpage wrt to available but uncomplete upstream documentation, create;
    - gpg-signature check support, neutralize;
    - BibTeX bibliography, reverse by hand;
    - `plain' BibTeX STyle with hypertex support, grab by hand;
    - tutorial and WWW samples, provide.
  * Fixes have been submitted to the upstream maintainers.

 -- Jerome Benoit <calculus@rezozer.net>  Wed, 28 Jan 2015 14:48:27 +0000