apertium-oc-ca (1.0.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Tino Didriksen ] * Update to latest upstream release (Closes: #1005655) * debian/: + Standards-Version: + Removed all patches, as they're now superfluous. + Adjusted watch. + Updated copyright. -- Kartik Mistry Fri, 10 Jun 2022 10:47:13 +0530 apertium-oc-ca (1.0.6~r57551-4) unstable; urgency=medium * Added patch to fix FTBFS with apertium 3.6 (Closes: #950155) * Added debian/gitlab-ci.yml file. * debian/control: + Updated to Standards-Version 4.5.0 + Switched to debhelper-compat. + Added 'Rules-Requires-Root' field. * Added debian/upstream/metadata file. -- Kartik Mistry Thu, 26 Mar 2020 08:54:46 +0530 apertium-oc-ca (1.0.6~r57551-3) unstable; urgency=low * debian/control: + Updated to Standards-Version 4.1.5 + Updated Homepage. + Updated Vcs-* fields. + Updated Depends. * Updated to dh 11. * Updated debian/copyright. * Updated debian/watch. -- Kartik Mistry Sat, 28 Jul 2018 16:52:04 +0800 apertium-oc-ca (1.0.6~r57551-2) unstable; urgency=low * debian/rules: + Simplify rules file. + Do not install duplicate upstream changelog. * debian/control: + Removed dependency on locales. + Updated Vcs-Git URL. + Updated to Standards-Version 3.9.8 -- Kartik Mistry Thu, 07 Jul 2016 17:03:41 +0530 apertium-oc-ca (1.0.6~r57551-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Tino Didriksen ] * New upstream release. * No significant changes in svn since tarball, so taking directly from svn. * Re-done packaging to take advantage of debhelper 9. [ Kartik Mistry ] * Fixed copyright. * Bumped debian/compat to 9. Bumped debhelper dependency to 9. -- Kartik Mistry Fri, 31 Jul 2015 11:58:17 +0530 apertium-oc-ca (1.0.5-1.1) unstable; urgency=low * Non-maintainer upload. * Fix built against apertium 3.1: bump build deps and port configure.ac. Fix FTBFS. (Closes: #527797) * Fix apertium-oc-ca.{ca-oc,oc-ca}.t1x to match (new) DTD: make explicit former implicit s. -- Stefano Zacchiroli Wed, 23 Sep 2009 10:40:49 +0200 apertium-oc-ca (1.0.5-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes: #393755) -- Francis Tyers Thu, 21 Jul 2008 12:34:15 +0100