Format: Upstream-Name: Apache Avalon Source: Comment: The 4.2.0+ds repack addresses a tar error in the upstream tarball. No changes were made the sources. Files: * Copyright: 1997-2004, The Apache Software Foundation License: Apache-2.0 Comment: Upstream authors: Federico Barbieri , Charles Benett , Peter Donald , Pierpaolo Fumagalli , Serge Knystautas , Roberto Lo Giacco , Berin Loritsch , Stefano Mazzocchi , Leo Simons Files: debian/* Copyright: 2001, Takashi Okamoto License: Apache-2.0 Files: debian/poms/* Copyright: The Apache Software Foundation License: Apache-2.0 License: Apache-2.0 On Debian systems the full text of the Apache Software License version 2.0 can be found in the `/usr/share/common-licenses/Apache-2.0' file.