Bacula, network-based backup, recovery & verification system =============================================================================== The 'bacula-common' package provides some of the common infrastructure for Bacula. You can find Bacula READMEs and other documentation files there. BASIC INFORMATION ----------------- To use Bacula you must install one of the flavors of director, depending on your preferred database, onto a server. You must also install bacula-sd on the machine where you will be storing your backed-up data. And you'll need bacula-fd on any machine that you want to back up. The installation will run the necessary daemons automatically, but to get any backups working you must customize the relevant configuration files in /etc/bacula as described in the Bacula manual (available in the package bacula-doc). Once you have edited the files you should issue an appropriate "service bacula-xx force-reload". NETWORK ENABLING ---------------- By default, Debian's Bacula packages install config files in which the servers listen only on localhost by default. If you want to be able to do backups over the network, you'll need to find the lines in bacula-dir.conf, bacula-sd.conf and bacula-fd.conf that reference and remove them. Note that all hostnames used in "Address"-lines need to be resolvable on all hosts involved, so fully qualified domain names are recommended. Using a hostname in the listen addresses (DirAddress, SDAddress, FDAddress) will only work if they are resolvable on startup, this is not the case if using NetworkManager. PACKAGES ======== The package 'bacula-director' provides the bacula-dir binary. To select a database backend, one of the following packages has to be installed: - bacula-director-sqlite3 - bacula-director-mysql - bacula-director-pgsql These packages provide the needed scripts and configurations for the database indicated in the package's name. CHANGING DATABASE BACKEND ========================= This is NOT RECOMMENDED and NOT SUPPORTED FOR LIVE DATA. Your current database IS NOT transferred to the new database backend. The new database backend will have an EMPTY database. Your /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf file WILL NOT be automatically adapted to function with the new database backend, YOU need to do the necessary changes to the Catalog{} section YOURSELF. If you want to go ahead anyway, you change the database backend by installing a different bacula-director-DBTYPE package. This will pull in the needed dependencies for the new database backend and remove the ones from the old one. CONSOLE ======= The package bacula-console provides the administration console for Bacula, so that users can contact the director. The BAT graphical admin console is contained in the bacula-console-qt package. USERS & SECURITY ================ The passwords in the configuration files in /etc/bacula have been auto-generated individually during installation. They are saved in /etc/bacula/common_default_passwords. The installation will create a "bacula" user on the system, and the daemons and RunBefore/RunAfter jobs will run as that user. However, the file daemon runs as root by default, as will your ClientRunBefore/After jobs. The installation of the director will ask you for a database user to use. You can run Bacula consoles as any user, but the user you use will need to be able to read the console config files. These files are, by default, under /etc/bacula. You'll need to specify the config file with -c for any of the consoles. RUNNING BACULA-FD AS UNPRIVILEGED USER ON LINUX =============================================== When using systemd: ------------------- bacula-fd can be run as unprivileged user under systemd using the following steps: - Use "systemctl edit bacula-fd.service" to create an override configuration file in /etc/systemd/system/bacula-fd.service.d/. - Put the following content into the override configuration: # Run bacula-fd as unprivileged user [Service] User=bacula Group=bacula AmbientCapabilities=CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH - Restart bacula-fd via "systemctl restart bacula-fd.service" Now the FD runs as unprivileged user "bacula" but the capabilities provided allow it read-only access to any file and directory on the system, just as if it where run as user "root". When using sysvinit: -------------------- - Edit the file /etc/defaults/bacula-fd and add the following lines: # Run bacula-fd as unprivileged user BUSER="bacula" BGROUP="bacula" - Restart bacula-fd via "service bacula-fd restart" Now the FD runs as unprivileged user "bacula" but it retains the read-only capability to any file and directory on the system, just as if it where run as user "root". Notes: ------ This setup has some caveats though: - ClientScripts no longer run as "root". If you need those scripts to run as root you need to adapt them to use a mechanism to run them as a different user, for example via sudo. - Restored files no longer have their original permissions and ACLs. This can be changed when using systemd by also specifying the capabilities "CAP_CHOWN CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE CAP_FOWNER" but this puts the running process at nearly the same level as running as root would do to begin with. When using SysVinit, there is no way to allow a non-root FD to restore files with the original permissions and ACLs. UPGRADES ======== Debian packages will, unless you have asked them not to, attempt to automatically upgrade your catalog during a major Bacula upgrade. However, please be sure to examine the Release Notes in /usr/share/doc/bacula-common/NEWS.gz for potential changes in the configuration files. CATALOG BACKUPS =============== Please see the comments in the bacula-dir.conf file regarding the make_catalog_backup script for information on tailoring it for your own particular environment. MONITORING ("NAGIOS") PLUGIN ============================ The monitoring plugin "check_bacula" from the examples is included in bacula-common. Please note that it does not support TLS and that it is not an official part of bacula and thus unsupported. FURTHER READING =============== See the Bacula documentation provided in the package bacula-doc and on the upstream author's website, Larger installations may want to split up the director configuration into several files, e.g. one file for each backup client. A method how to include all files from a directory is shown in the manual, chapter 19.2.3 "Including other Configuration Files". -- Jose Luis Tallon, updated by John Goerzen, Carsten Leonahrdt and Sven Hartge