Bible Retrieval System 
        Chip Chapin, Hewlett Packard Company
        Initial release, September 5, 1989
        Last Updated: April 26, 1993

This file is provided for unrestricted use provided that this
legend is included on all tape media and as a part of the
software program in whole or part.  Users may copy, modify or
distribute this file at will.
            -- Chip Chapin, September 4, 1989

Original site:

Ported to Linux by Christoph Lameter, Dec 13, 1994
Linux Port available from

Debianized Package Released September 20, 1996 by
Rev. Christoph Lameter (Master of Divinity, Master of Science)

Substantial work on the code by Matthew Vernon <>
Copyright 2003-2018. Its licence is GPL version 2 or later.

The copyright for the King James Version text of the Bible is expired since
the  translation was done in 1611 under King James the first of Great


randverse is copyright of Oliver Elphick <>, 1997.
Its licence is GPL version 2 or later. Its original source is this package.

The text of the GPL can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2.