bind9 (1:9.20.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium * The default empty zones, and localhost forward and reverse zones have been removed from the package in favor of BIND 9 native directive `empty-zones yes` (that is on by default). This include following configuration files: - /etc/bind/db.0 - /etc/bind/db.127 - /etc/bind/db.255 - /etc/bind/db.empty - /etc/bind/db.local - /etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones - /etc/bind/zones.rfc1918 Please make sure you are not including any of these files in your configuration. * Changes in default zone transfer ACL can break existing setups! The default for `allow-transfer {}` configuration directive has been changed from "allow by default" to "deny by default". Unless you have explicitly configure the ACLs in allow-transfer, your secondaries might not be able to do the zone transfers anymore. Please make sure that you explicitly configure your zone transfer ACLs before continuing with the upgrade. * Since Debian bookworm, the BIND 9 has support for Type=notify reporting in the systemd unit file. Because of that, running named in the chroot requires the chroot to have the sd_notify socket available. One possible solution is to create the systemd unit override and add ad bind-mount for the notify socket: [Service] BindPaths=/run/systemd/notify:/run/systemd/notify -- Ondřej Surý Mon, 27 Jan 2025 12:43:40 +0100