bliss (0.73-3) experimental; urgency=medium * Debianization: - debian/copyright: - copyright tuples, update; - Files field: - d/a/e/myciel3.col, introduce; - debian/control: - Standards Version, bump to 4.3.0 (no change); - debian/adhoc/examples/*: - d/a/e/Makefile: - copyright tuple, update; - check target, harden (Closes: #923527), thanks to Bernhard Übelacker ; - d/a/e/myciel3.col, introduce; - debian/tests/control, harden; - debian/source/lintian-overrides: - debian-watch-uses-insecure-uri tag, add comment. -- Jerome Benoit Sat, 30 Mar 2019 09:18:38 +0000 bliss (0.73-2) unstable; urgency=medium [ Jerome Benoit ] * d/control: Standards-Version bump to 4.2.1 (no change). * d/control: Vcs-* fields, migration to salsa. * d/copyright: Copyright fields, update. * d/rules: include (simplification). * d/adhoc/Makefile: refresh. * d/s/lintian-overrides, refresh. * d/p/upstream-autotoolization.patch, fix typo. [ Jelmer Vernooij ] * Use secure copyright file specification URI. * Trim trailing whitespace. -- Jerome Benoit Wed, 14 Nov 2018 10:14:04 +0000 bliss (0.73-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * New maintainer (Closes: #818966). * Debianization: - debian/copyright: - bump format to DEP-5; - refresh; - debian/control: - discard the debug symbols package libbliss1d-dbg; - Standards Version, bump to 3.9.8; - Vcs-* headers, secure; - debian/watch, refresh; - debian/rules: - default target, introduce; - get-orig-source target, introduce; - discard the debug symbols material (see above); - build-arch/build-indep scheme, introduce; - clean up; - debian/tests; initiate; - reproducible build, attempt. * Upstream fixes and enhancements has been submitted and defining a clear ABI has been suggested to the upstream maintainer. -- Jerome Benoit Mon, 25 Apr 2016 02:23:27 +0000 bliss (0.72-5) unstable; urgency=low * Convert packaging to 3.0 (quilt). * Bug fix: "FTBFS with clang instead of gcc", thanks to Sylvestre Ledru (Closes: #710399). Replace -O9 with -O4. * Add Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser headers. * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4 (no changes). * Bump debhelper compat level to 9 * Enable hardening flags -- David Bremner Fri, 07 Jun 2013 08:22:00 -0300 bliss (0.72-4) unstable; urgency=low * Force BLISS_USE_GMP to be defined so that user compiled code matches the library. -- David Bremner Mon, 05 Nov 2012 20:14:20 -0400 bliss (0.72-3) unstable; urgency=low * Link against gmp (Closes: #685390). -- David Bremner Mon, 20 Aug 2012 17:28:30 +0200 bliss (0.72-2) unstable; urgency=low * Add debugging libraries. * Actually build with GMP, as promised in README.Debian. -- David Bremner Sun, 20 Nov 2011 11:41:31 -0400 bliss (0.72-1) unstable; urgency=low * Fix changelog bug number typo * New upstream version * Bump standards version to 3.9.2 (no changes) * Update package description, thanks to Martin Eberhard Schauer and Justin B Rye (Closes: #634057). -- David Bremner Sun, 28 Aug 2011 00:58:23 -0300 bliss (0.71-2) unstable; urgency=low * Remove symbols file (Closes: #626028) -- David Bremner Sun, 08 May 2011 06:38:42 -0300 bliss (0.71-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * Replace ligatures in description (Closes: #613480) * Change section of libbliss0d to libs (Closes: #614606) -- David Bremner Thu, 05 May 2011 19:11:51 -0300 bliss (0.50-1.1) unstable; urgency=low * NMU. Build with unversioned libgmp-dev. -- Steve M. Robbins Tue, 15 Mar 2011 01:46:08 -0500 bliss (0.50-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes: #528925) -- David Bremner Thu, 16 Dec 2010 23:34:03 -0400