Format: Source: vanished from this location, only older versions at sourceforge Files: * Copyright: The authors or their employers, or maybe no copyright at all License: public-domain-claim Files: debian/* Copyright: 2004-2008 Steffen Moeller 2007-2013 Charles Plessy 2011-2017 Andreas Tille License: public-domain-claim License: public-domain-claim Boxshade is completely public-domain and may be passed around and modified without any notice to the author. . the authors addresses are: . Kay Hofmann Michael D. Baron Bioinformatics Group BBSRC Institute for Animal Health ISREC Pirbright, Surrey GU24 0NF CH-1066 Epalinges s/Lausanne U.K. Switzerland . C port by . Hartmut Schirmer Technische Fakultaet Kaiserstr. 2 D-24143 Kiel Germany . for any comments write an E-mail to Kay: Michael: (though kay wrote 99% of the program and is more likely to be of help, especially with input and output problems) Hartmut: (don't send Kay or Michael any questions concerning the 'C' version of boxshade) . (The comments after the email addresses are form the authors themselves.)