ckermit for Debian ------------------ The site for ckermit, which has lots more documentation, is at: On startup, kermit looks for .kermrc in your home directory. If this is not found, it uses /etc/kermit/kermrc. This in turn looks for .mykermrc in your home directory. Kermit scripts can be run with shebang (#!) notation, i.e. by making the script executable and setting the first line to #!/usr/bin/kermit Running a kermit server ----------------------- iksd (the Internet Kermit Service Daemon) can be enabled or disabled using: dpkg-reconfigure -plow ckermit If you intend to enable anonymous use, you must have a local user named "ftp". iksd uses /etc/kermit/iksd.conf on startup. If you have enabled anonymous use, you can configure it to subsequently load an additional file post-login within the anonymous chroot. Additional information about running iksd can be found at: C-Kermit and certain network code --------------------------------- C-Kermit is primarily an application for serial communication. Over the years, network code has been added. Here are a few notes about that. C-Kermit's SSL code is dated and is not generally going to live up to modern standards or interoperate with modern SSL stacks. See for more. C-Kermit does not currently support IPv6 directly. However, you can tunnel C-Kermit over other commands; eg using netcat, "run start nc hostname" (or ssh or whatever). -- John Goerzen , Sun, 25 Aug 2024 06:50:03 -0500 -- Sébastien Villemot , Thu, 17 Sep 2020 14:44:24 +0200 -- Ian Beckwith , Tue Jun 29 12:31:58 2004