clamsmtp for Debian =================== This file lists the build and configuration options used for the clamsmtp package on the Debian platform. Please read the clamsmtpd(8) and clamsmtpd.conf(5) manpages for a more complete discussion of the daemon and its capabilities. This package does not attempt to configure your Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for content filtering, nor does it attempt to set up your machine as a transparent proxy, though clamsmtpd has the capability to run in either capacity. You are responsible for configuring your MTA or your router. clamsmtp system user and group ============================== Although there exists no standard requiring stand-alone daemons to operate under their own user and group, there are multiple security benefits in doing so, mostly focusing around the theory of least privilege. Historically, this package has taken the easy way out (my fault) in having clamsmtpd run as the clamav user and group, the same user that the clamav daemon runs as. Should the clamsmtpd process be compromised, the cracker would have the same privileges that clamd has. Now imagine a systems administrator had added the clamav user to private user groups so that the daemon can scan protected directories and files. Those files are now subject to viewing. clamsmtpd also has the ability to run scripts when a virus is detected. This could be another vector for attack by a cracker or even have a potential for damage by poorly written scripts themselves. Having clamsmtpd run under its own user and group would help mitigate potential problems. The last benefit is to remove an unnecessary version dependency on dpkg, making the package easier to back-port to Debian Woody, for example. Debian-specific Directories ============================ /var/run/clamsmtp The file (PidFile) is stored in this directory. For a daemon to place a PID file in /var/run, it must have root privileges. clamsmtpd is run under user "clamsmtp" and group "clamsmtp". /var/spool/clamsmtp (clamsmtp home directory) Temporary and quarantined emails are specified in the config file as TempDirectory. This departs from the upstream default, which is /tmp. Emails are potentially confidential or sensitive information, thus warrant special attention. Debian-specific Port Setup ========================== This package departs from the default clamsmtpd configuration in the ports it listens to and forward messages to. The reason for this is partially historical and partially a compatibility issue. At the time that postfix was first introducing its filtering capabilities, it quoted the use of Amavisd and Amavisd-new as possible filtering proxies. In those examples, it showed postfix using port 10025 as the unfiltered port for returning email from the proxy. Amavisd-new installs listening to port 10024. Rather than forcing the Debian systems administrator from having to customize /etc/postfix/ yet again, I choose to flip clamsmtpd's settings. localhost:10026 (For receiving) clamsmtpd listens to this port for new SMTP connections. It scans the DATA portion of the email and then returns the email to localhost:10025. localhost:10025 (For forwarding) clamsmtpd expects this port to be run by your MTA. If it does not find service at this port, it will fail to deliver the email. NOTE: YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONFIGURING YOUR MTA OR ROUTER. Postfix Tips ============ The /usr/share/doc/clamsmtp/postfix.html file included in this package is taken from the clamsmtp home page and gives instructions for a basic setup. Transpose the information about the default port settings above when editing the /etc/postfix/ and files. Postfix 2.x.x can be more selective about what emails it chooses to scan. With mime_header_checks, one can pin-point troublesome emails by their Content-Type header. See /usr/share/doc/clamsmtp/examples/mime_header_checks. If you are using Postfix, see /usr/share/doc/postfix/FILTER_README.gz for more information on setting up postfix for content filtering.