debian-multimedia (0.10) unstable; urgency=medium * Source only upload (Closes: #978047) -- Ross Gammon <> Fri, 25 Dec 2020 16:09:36 +0100 debian-multimedia (0.9) unstable; urgency=medium [ Ross Gammon ] * git-core no longer built by git source package - removed * python3-ecasound now in archive - remove WNPP info * python3-pyknon now in the archive - remove WNPP info * Photoflow now in Salsa - Add Vcs info * And photoflow is in photography task too! * Add spleeter as a potential package * Add shotcut to video task * Add miniaudio to recorders & players * Add gir1.2-gexiv2-0.10 & libgexiv2-dev to devel task * Add Vcs-Browser field to photoflow [ Balint Reczey ] * Only Suggest: kodi and reverse dependencies [ Olivier Humbert ] * Update d/control (typo disk/disc) [ Ross Gammon ] * Add wand (Python module for ImageMagic) to devel task * Add abr2gbr to photography task * Add zita-dc1 to audio-utilities task * Add elektroid to samplers task * Add lsp-plugins to audio-plugins task * Add RFP for canon-capture to photography task * Add fft-spectra RFP to audio-utilities task * Add ITP bug for re-introducing hydrogen * Add shotwell to photography task * Add simple-scan to graphics task * Add audmes to audio-utilities task * Add dvbtune to video task * Add audiolink to audio-utilities task * Add studio-controls RFP to jack task * Add WNPP bug to spleeter * Add gnome-metronome to audio-utilities task * Add photoprint ITP to photography task * Add vguitar ITP to MIDI task * Add libaperture-0-dev to devel task * Add lazpaint to graphics task * Add mp3report to audio-utilities task * Add osmid to midi task * Add RFP bug for new-session-manager * Rename new-session-manager as called un Ubuntu * Add raysession as possible package to the mixing task * Photoflow now in archive, remove superfluous information * Photoflow now in archive, remove superfluous information also in graphics task * Fix syntax error for vguitar entry * libqt4-dev no longer in archive, replace with qtbase5-dev (Closes: #953384) * Apply Olivier's change to the task file -- Ross Gammon <> Sat, 14 Nov 2020 16:06:20 +0100 debian-multimedia (0.8) unstable; urgency=medium * Generate new package lists * libjuce-dev no longer built by juce (Closes: #885799) * qwinff and taptempo now in the archive * libavg removed from testing & unstable * butt now in the archive * python-csoundac no longer built by csound source package * python3-jack-client and libimgscalr-java now in the archive * Drop libraries no longer built by ffmpeg * Add latest upstream information for python3-pyknon * Added information about python3-libmapper in latest upstream release * python3-ecasound: Add info about upstream work on Python 3 support * Fix package name for ableton-link * libavg removed from testing & unstable * rgain removed from testing & unstable * img2pdf now in the archive * qosmic now in the archive * dsmidiwifi is now in the archive * mpdas now in the archive * mopidy-youtube has been removed from testing & unstable * libav-tools no longer built by ffmpeg (Closes: #895917) * qwinff now in the archive * Remove avidemux Alioth links & add upstream homepage * Add ITP for vst3sdk to audio-plugins * Add new fst-dev package to devel task * Add streamlink to devel & video tasks * Add ITP for sk1 to graphics task * Add new mopidy-mpd package to players * Add new mopidy-local package to players * Add vokoscreen & vokoscreen-ng to video task * Add osc2midi ITP to midi task * Add new libmedialibrary-dev package to devel tasks * python3-grapefruit bug fixed in NMU without closing in changelog (Closes: #934125) * Add ${misc:Depends} to multimedia-tasks to fix lintian Warning * Bump debhelper compat to 12 * Bump standards version, no changes required -- Ross Gammon <> Sun, 05 Jan 2020 18:40:01 +0100 debian-multimedia (0.7+nmu1) unstable; urgency=medium * Non-maintainer upload. * Switch all python2 relationships to python3, downgrading to Suggests for packages which still dont have a python3 counterpart; Closes: #945633 * Generate files -- Sandro Tosi <> Tue, 10 Dec 2019 11:40:31 -0500 debian-multimedia (0.7) unstable; urgency=medium [ Ross Gammon ] * libmysofa, mediagoblin & yasw now in the archive * Add some recent ITP/RFP/RFS & O of multimedia type packages * Add libuvc-dev to devel task * Add libmpd & wmin, currently orphaned * Add a couple more orphaned streamers to broadcasting * Add more packages from the WNPP pseudo package * Move dleyna-connector-dbus & dleyna-core to devel as they only have libraries * Remove dino, no longer in archive (Closes: #879783) * Add newish snapcast software to broadcasting * Remove libjuce-dev which is no longer part of the juce package * Demote libav-tools to a "Suggests:" [ Ondřej Nový ] * d/control: Set Vcs-* to * d/changelog: Remove trailing whitespaces * d/control: Remove trailing whitespaces [ Felipe Sateler ] * Change maintainer address to [ IOhannes m zmölnig ] * removed pd-extended * pd-jsusfx is in the archive; camomile is not -- Ross Gammon <> Sat, 09 Jun 2018 15:22:20 +0200 debian-multimedia (0.6) unstable; urgency=medium [ IOhannes m zmölnig ] * Added 'ardour' to the 'mixing' task * Replaced 'pd' packages with meta-package 'multimedia-puredata' in 'soundsynthesis' task * Added a SuperCollider task * Added a csound task * Replaced sc-packages with 'multimedia-supercollider' in 'soundsynthesis' task * Replaced csound-packages with 'multimedia-csound' in 'soundsynthesis' task * Added Pd-development packages * Added ableton-live-dev * Added libambix packages * pd-lib-builder, pd-flext, libambix and ableton-link have been accepted into unstable * Added ableton-link * added WNPP bug-numbers for some pd-flext-related packages * Added pd-vasp and pd-upp * pd-autopreset has been accepted into unstable. * pd-pool/pd-py/pd-xsample have been accepted into Debian * pd-punish is included in pd-iemutils * pd-abstractions and pd-vasp have some issues * pd-upp now in the archive [ Ross Gammon ] * Preparing a new upload * Update task descriptions & d/control using make dist * Use Debian email address * Bump standards version, switched to https for copyright format & switched priority to optional * libopenscenegraph-3.4 now in the archive * Add libyami & libyami-utils to devel task * Add libopenmpt ITP to devel task * Add qstopmotion ITP to animation task * Add cdrdao to audio-utilities & recording tasks * Add xviewer, xviewer-plugins and xplayer ITPs * Add itktools to graphics & photography tasks * Add pd-autopreset, pd-bandlimited, pd-punish ITPs to puredata task * Fix package name libambix-tools > libambix-utils * Fix syntax error & add Vcs URI for qstopmotion * Fix syntax error in audio-utilities task * Fix syntax error on photography task * Drop mopidy-podcast-gpodder, removed from archive * pd-jsusfx now in the archive & fixed pd-flext-dev package name * Add digikam to photgraphy task & potential RFP photo enhancer * Add spek to audio-utilities task * Add nama, vamps & fische to relevant tasks * Libyami now in the archive * qstopmotion now in the archive, kodi-eventclient-j2me dropped * Add iannix ITP * Add pragha RFP * Fix syntax error & drop pragha which was already listed! * Add libmysofa to devel & audio-utilities (currently in NEW) * Add gerbera ITP * Add svgpp ITP * Add posterazor to graphics & photography * Add libbabl-dev to devel task * Add libgegl-dev & gegl packages * Add libimgscalr-java to devel task * Added yasw ITP * Add libavg to audio-utils, video & devel * Fix syntax errors & remove info for iannix - now in archive [ James Cowgill ] * Remove mplayer2 which no longer exists -- Ross Gammon <> Mon, 07 Aug 2017 22:24:10 +0200 debian-multimedia (0.5) unstable; urgency=medium [ Ross Gammon ] * Prepare a new release * Mark tasks that should be installed during blend installation (Closes: #825186) * Add pulseaudio-dlna ITP to broadcasting task * Add NEW sc3-plugin packages * Add libqpsd ITP to devel task * Add openshot-qt and library ITPs * Add link to unofficial debian packages for sayonara * Add nordlicht ITP to video task * pnmixer is now in the archive, remove package information * pd-purest-json is now in the archive, remove package information * Add Sonic-Pi dependencies to devel task * Add some Cinema RFPs * Add mopidy-somafm ITP to players task * Add snd packages to audio utilities task * Add flif & mopidy-internetarchive ITPs to relevant tasks * pd-iem, pd-iemutils, pd-nusmuk & nordlicht now in the archive * pd-puremapping now in the archive, remove extra package info * Add ITPs for baka-mplayer, castnow, and dcadec * Mediaconch & drumgizmo now in the archive * Add NEW sonic-pi to soundsynthesis task * Add python-tunigo to devel task * pd-extendedview now in the archive, removed extra package information * pulseaudio-dlna now in the archive, removing extra package info * Use binary package names for juce * Add packaging Vcs for cinelerra-cv, packaging was started * Open Broadcasting Software (obs) is NEW * Add sayonara VCS, and a note that openscengraph-3.4 is NEW [ IOhannes m zmölnig ] * removed pd-iem-bin-ambi * added pd-iemutils * added pd-purest-json * sorted in pd-extendedview * added JUCE * added more puredata wishlist packages * fix short description for pd-oscbank * added some more wishlist packages to puredata * pd-kollabs now in unstable * juce now in the archive * added pd-jsusfx * added ITP:ambix-plugins to "ambisonics" * "pysoundfile" has been in the archive for some time... * Added ITP:libambix to "devel" section * Added pd-acre * Added pd-ehu * Added camomila * fixed typo: pd-eho -> pd-ehu * Fixed typo: camomila -> camomile * Fixed typo: "Non DAW Studio" * Note that pd-iem-bin-ambi is likely to be obsolete * ambidecodertoolbox * 'tab' has been renamed to 'lute-tab' -- Ross Gammon <> Sun, 05 Jun 2016 21:35:07 +0200 debian-multimedia (0.4) unstable; urgency=medium [ Ross Gammon ] * Add NEW linuxptp package * Add deken to soundsynthesis task * Add ffmpeg back into video & devel tasks * Add new timgm6mb-soundfont package to midi task * Fix Vcs browser URL * Add libmusicbrainz to the devel task * Add qsequencer to midi, recording & drums tasks * Add mopidy-local-sqlite to players task * Add NEW pd-iemguts package to puredata task * Add sndio to jack and devel tasks * pd-syslog is NEW, added to puredata task * Update pd-rtclib package name, was pt-rtc * deken now in the archive, removed package information * Expand the timestretching task to be audio-utilities * pd-hexloader now in the archive, WNPP details deleted * Added ecasound to audio-utilities & devel tasks * Create a new Broadcasting task and move stuff there * Add midicsv to midi task * Remove package information from pd-tclpd, now in the archive * sndio-xtools no longer part of source package * Rename timestretching task to audio-utilities * Create new photography task and copy/move packages from graphics/video * Add NEW kodi-pvr-vdr-vnsi package to broadcasting, photography & video * Add more photography packages from the Debian PhotoTools Maintainers * Fix openmageio-tools using package name not source package * Add NEW kodi-data package * Add a new animation task with packages already in graphics & video * Add NEW hydrogen-drumkits-effect package as a suggests * libav package has been removed, update package names for ffmpeg * gnome-mpv now in the archive * Remove extra info for dgedit as now in archive & fix syntax error * Remove extra info for pd-gil, now in the archive * Add new kodi-pvr-hts addon to broadcasting & video * Add kodi-pvr-argustv to video & broadcasting tasks * Add new kodi addons to video & brodcasting tasks * Add new pvr-hdhomerun package to video & broadcasting tasks * Apply patch to fix typo and remove duplicates. Thanks to Andreas Tille * Apply patch from Ubuntu libdvbpsi9 -> libdvbpsi-dev. Thanks to Matthias Klose * Regenerate control and desc file [ IOhannes m zmölnig ] * added pd-iemambi to "ambisonics" task * Removed trailing whitespace * moved pd's graphics packages from "soundsynthesis" to "graphics" * Added 'puredata' task * pd-rtclib now in the archive * pd-mrpeach provides multiple binary packages * added more pd-packages found in task "soundsynthesis" * Removed pd-packages unrelated to "soundsynthesis" * pd-creb now in the archive [ Kaj Ailomaa ] * removing phat packages, as phat has been removed from Debian archive -- Ross Gammon <> Fri, 08 Jan 2016 16:34:34 +0100 debian-multimedia (0.3) unstable; urgency=low [ Felipe Sateler ] * Add Vcs-* fields * qutecsound was dropped, csoundqt is the new name * Regenerate control and desc file [ Reinhard Tartler ] * Cleanup whitespace in task definitions * Update package name for Libav-related utilities (Closes: #722256) * gcdmaster is no longer built by the cdrdao package [ Andreas Tille ] * The task name is no repetition of the metapackage. Do not repeat multimedia-. [ Emmanouil Kiagias ] * added dependency_data/ directory containing the dependency json files for releases 0.2 and 0.3, files needed for new blends-dev [ Ross Gammon ] * Update ambisonics task with latest information (Closes: #766091) * Update all tasks to latest Debian Multimedia package set * Remove packages no longer in the archive * Add recent NEW packages to tasks * Drop non-multimedia development packages to "Suggests" * Add some relevant ITPs & RFPs * Add myself to Uploaders * Update Vcs URL to use cgit instead of gitweb * Bump standards version, no changes required * Fix lintian warnings [ Ruben Undheim ] * Add sfarkxtc to the midi task * Add vmpk to midi task [ Tiago Bortoletto Vaz ] * Fix small typo in musiciantool task. -- Ross Gammon <> Mon, 01 Jun 2015 18:01:37 -0300 debian-multimedia (0.2) unstable; urgency=low * New version for debian-multimedia team - Rename all packages to remove the openstudio brand - Change maintainer to the multimedia team - Remove out-of-scope metapackages - Merge related metapackages + *-plugins into audio-plugins + synth and soundsynthesis + trackers and midi + musicnotation and composing into musiciantools * Remove all dev packages except in -devel task * Fix various package names * Remove stale files from example blends project * Add Reinhard to Uploaders * Add multimedia-tasks package * Add copyright file * Shorten description lines to < 80 chars * Add source format version * Bump standards-version -- Felipe Sateler <> Mon, 20 May 2013 10:05:07 -0400 debian-multimedia (0.1) lucid; urgency=low * Initial release. -- peerjam <> Sun, 31 Oct 2010 10:02:57 +0100