debian-science (1.4) unstable; urgency=medium * Rerender Debian Science metapackages to reflect Jessie package pool. -- Andreas Tille Sun, 29 Mar 2015 20:53:40 +0200 debian-science (1.3) unstable; urgency=medium [ Andreas Tille ] * d/source/format: 3.0 (native) * removed postgresql-9.4-postgis-2.1 from task geography Closes: #757970 [ Ole Streicher ] * add astropy affiliated packages * start of automatic changelog entry * * Changes in metapackage dependencies -science-neuroscience-cognitive added: Depends: python-nipype, python-mvpa2, python-nitime, python-dipy, python-nibabel, openwalnut-qt4, python-dicom, python-nipy removed: Depends: python-mvpa, python-nifti -science-viewing-dev added: Depends: python3-skimage, python-vtk6, python-plplot-qt, libvtk6-java, libplplot-dev, libvtk6-dev, python3-skimage-lib -science-linguistics added: Suggests: python-nltk, python3-nltk -science-machine-learning added: Depends: python-mvpa2 removed: Depends: python-mvpa -science-mathematics-dev added: Depends: libug-dev, python-pyoperators | python3-pyoperators, python-pyviennacl, python3-pyviennacl -science-electronics added: Depends: qflow, magic, yosys, berkeley-abc, qrouter -science-numericalcomputation added: Depends: python-lmfit | python3-lmfit -science-typesetting removed: Depends: texmacs-extra-fonts -science-engineering-dev added: Depends: libug-dev, r-cran-rnetcdf -science-astronomy added: Depends: splash, sncosmo, astroml, astroquery, python3-astropy -science-physics-dev added: Depends: python-xrayutilities -science-distributedcomputing added: Depends: htcondor removed: Depends: condor -science-dataacquisition-dev added: Depends: python-xrayutilities -science-nanoscale-physics-dev added: Depends: crystfel-dev, libssm-dev, r-cran-rnetcdf, python-xrayutilities -science-viewing added: Depends: trend, python-pyqtgraph Suggests: r-cran-scatterplot3d -science-nanoscale-physics added: Depends: liblapack3, libblas3, python-lmfit | python3-lmfit, crystfel removed: Depends: liblapack3gf, libblas3gf -science-meteorology-dev added: Depends: r-cran-rnetcdf -- Andreas Tille Fri, 24 Oct 2014 11:24:40 +0200 debian-science (1.2) unstable; urgency=medium [ Andreas Tille ] * d/copyright: DEP5 * some changed package names reflected in tasks files: - "syfi-bin" has been replaced with "sfc" - "life-apps" has been replaced with "feel++-apps" - "liblife-dev" has been replaced with "libfeel++-dev" * tasks/viewing: Add trend Closes: #739635 * tasks/typesetting: Remove texmacs-extra-fonts Closes: #683587 [ Ole Streicher ] * tasks/astronomy-dev: Remove non-free libsofa-c-dev. The replacement, liberfa-dev, is already in astronomy-dev. Closes: #751487 * start of automatic changelog entry * * Changes in metapackage dependencies -science-economics added: Depends: r-cran-pwt8 -science-viewing-dev added: Depends: libchealpix-dev -science-robotics added: Depends: octovis, octomap-tools Suggests: octovis -science-robotics-dev added: Depends: libccd-dev, liboctomap-dev -science-simulations added: Depends: music-bin -science-dataacquisition added: Depends: xyscan, filo -science-statistics added: Depends: r-cran-energy, rstudio, r-cran-mvnormtest, r-cran-expm, r-cran-ecodist -science-imageanalysis added: Suggests: python-vigra, libvigraimpex-dev -science-mathematics-dev added: Depends: python-pynfft | python3-pynfft, libsuperlu-dev, python-fftw3 | python3-fftw3 removed: Depends: libsuperlu3-dev, liblife-dev, python-fftw3 -science-mathematics removed: Depends: life-apps -science-electronics added: Depends: geda-gaf, geda-xgsch2pcb, drawtiming, gwave, qsapecng, gtkwave, gnusim8085 Suggests: libfeel++-dev removed: Suggests: liblife-dev -science-numericalcomputation added: Depends: python-csa, algotutor, libadolc-dev, libcolpack-dev -science-typesetting added: Depends: zotero-standalone Suggests: xul-ext-zotero removed: Depends: texmacs-extra-fonts, zotero -science-engineering-dev added: Depends: python-nfft3 | python3-nfft3, libfeel++-dev, python-fftw3 | python3-fftw3 removed: Depends: python-fftw3, liblife-dev -science-viewing added: Depends: trend, ctioga2, veusz, python-seaborn -science-astronomy-dev added: Depends: libhealipx-cxx-dev, libchealpix-dev, python-healpy removed: Depends: libsofa-c-dev -science-astronomy added: Depends: wxastrocapture, audela, eso-midas Suggests: python-healpy removed: Depends: midas -science-engineering added: Depends: libadios-bin, feel++-apps, sfc removed: Depends: life-apps, syfi-bin -science-physics-dev added: Depends: python-fftw3 | python3-fftw3, python-pynfft | python3-pynfft, libfeel++-dev, libismrmrd-dev, python-multipletau | python3-multipletau removed: Depends: python-fftw3 -science-nanoscale-physics-dev added: Suggests: libfeel++-dev removed: Suggests: liblife-dev -science-nanoscale-physics added: Suggests: feel++-apps removed: Suggests: life-apps -science-physics added: Suggests: feel++-apps removed: Suggests: liblife-dev, life-apps -science-meteorology-dev added: Depends: libwreport-dev Suggests: libfeel++-dev removed: Suggests: liblife-dev -- Andreas Tille Thu, 19 Jun 2014 10:20:04 +0200 debian-science (1.1) unstable; urgency=low [ Andreas Tille ] * tasks/robotics-dev: Development of robotics applications * tasks/financial: Packages for financial engineering * tasks/enineering: Fix typo Closes: #730282 * Moved Vcs to Git * new task: logic * tasks/geography: s/postgresql-9.1-postgis/postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1/ Closes: #732414 * task/viewing-dev: development of visualisation applications * task/geometry: new task * task/social: new task * task/tools: new task (but no new metapackage, just for web senitinel) * task/presentation: new task * task/devices: new task (but no new metapackage, just for web senitinel) [ Sébastien Villemot ] * tasks/economics: Add new task for economics * tasks/{mathematics, numericalcomputation}: Add julia, suggest matlab-support * tasks/distributedcomputing: Suggest octave-mpi * tasks/statistics: Rename pandas to python-pandas (now in Debian) [ Denis Barbier ] * tasks/{engineering,engineering-dev,nanoscale-physics-dev,physics}: opencascade had been superseded by oce * start of automatic changelog entry * * Changes in metapackage dependencies -science-meteorology added: Depends: python-netcdf, python-sphere Suggests: python-dap removed: Depends: python-netcdf4, hdf-eos4, hdf-eos5, python-spherepack Suggests: pydap -science-robotics added: Depends: openhrp, choreonoid, openrtm, liburdfdom-tools, openrave, pcl, ros, gazebo Suggests: gnuplot, ompl-demos, octave, libvtk5.4, libcoin60-runtime, arduino-mk removed: Depends: libboost-dev, gnuplot, libcomedi0, libopenigtlink1, libcv-dev, octave, libode-dev, libvtk5.4, libcoin60-runtime -science-highenergy-physics added: Depends: libroot-net-ldap5.34, libroot-math-quadp5.34, libroot-math-mathcore5.34, libroot-tmva5.34, libroot-math-genvector5.34, libroot-bindings-ruby5.34, libroot-graf2d-postscript5.34, libroot-tree-treeplayer5.34, libroot-bindings-python5.34, libroot-proof-clarens5.34, libroot-net-auth5.34, libroot-graf3d-gl5.34, libroot-net-bonjour5.34, libroot-html5.34, libroot-math-unuran5.34, libroot-misc-memstat5.34, libroot-math-splot5.34, libroot-proof-proofplayer5.34, libroot-gui-ged5.34, libroot-math-mathmore5.34, libroot-net5.34, libroot-graf2d-graf5.34, libroot-math-mlp5.34, libroot-core5.34, libroot-montecarlo-vmc5.34, libroot-math-smatrix5.34, libroot-math-matrix5.34, libroot-graf2d-gpad5.34, libroot-math-physics5.34, libroot-geom5.34, libroot-misc-minicern5.34, libroot-tree5.34, libroot-proof5.34, libroot-io-xmlparser5.34, libroot-math-foam5.34, libroot-hist5.34, libroot-hist-spectrum5.34, libroot-io5.34, libroot-roofit5.34, libroot-gui5.34, libroot-montecarlo-eg5.34, libroot-misc-table5.34, libroot-graf3d-eve5.34, libroot-graf3d-g3d5.34, libroot-math-minuit5.34 -science-engineering added: Depends: salome-yacs, dime, salome-paravis, tetgen, salome-gui, salome-smesh, eficas, metis-edf, oce-draw, salome-med, code-aster, diet-agent, salome-jobmanager Suggests: logcentral, salome-kernel, ann-tools, logcentral-tools removed: Depends: opencascade-draw, salome -science-simulations added: Depends: radiance -science-geography added: Depends: hyantesite, postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1 removed: Depends: postgresql-9.1-postgis -science-linguistics added: Depends: travatar, collatinus, sequitur-g2p Suggests: libtimbl4-dev, libfolia-dev, frogdata, libticcutils2-dev removed: Suggests: libfolia1-dev -science-dataacquisition removed: Suggests: libgpib-bin -science-statistics added: Depends: r-cran-deldir, r-cran-fastcluster, r-cran-spatstat, r-cran-timedate, python-pandas, r-cran-spam, r-cran-statmod, r-cran-mass, r-cran-permute, r-cran-lhs Suggests: libtamuanova-dev removed: Depends: r-cran-rmetrics, r-other-gking-matchit, r-cran-fseries, r-cran-vr Suggests: pandas -science-imageanalysis added: Depends: teem-apps Suggests: libvlfeat-dev removed: Depends: libteem1 -science-machine-learning added: Depends: r-cran-gbm, r-cran-tgp Suggests: ask -science-mathematics-dev added: Depends: libann-dev, libfftw3-dev, libarpack++2-dev, libdouble-conversion-dev, libscscp1-dev, libzn-poly-dev, python-dolfin, libfeel++-dev, liblfunction-dev, libtachyon-dev, libeigen3-dev, liblbfgs-dev, code-saturne-bin, libmpfrc++-dev, libsymmetrica-dev, libalglib-dev, libdogleg-dev, fftw-dev, libpynac-dev, libeinspline-dev, libnfft3-dev, minpack-dev, libec-dev, libsuitesparse-metis-dev, sfftw-dev, libslepc3.4.2-dev, libigraph0-dev, libparmetis-dev, libtet1.4-dev, libqcustomplot-dev, libfplll-dev, code-saturne-include, libratpoints-dev, libviennacl-dev, python-numexpr | python3-numexpr, libflann-dev, libcdd-dev, liblinbox-dev, libquadrule-dev, libm4ri-dev, libdune-grid-dev, libgf2x-dev, libopenturns-dev, libopenblas-dev, libgnuplot-iostream-dev, libiml-dev, python-linop | python3-linop, python-ferari, python-openturns, libm4rie-dev, libqhull-dev, libcminpack-dev, libcneartree-dev, liblrcalc-dev, gap-dev, python-glpk, python-fftw3, libglpk-java Suggests: openturns-examples, givaro-user-doc, libdune-localfunctions-dev, libcliquer-dev, libjlapack-java, libntl-dev, libmtj-java, libnetlib-java, libdune-istl-dev removed: Depends: libmei-dev, libcneartree3-dev, libslepc3.0.0-dev Suggests: givaro-users-doc, libopenturns-dev, python-openturns, openturns-wrapper -science-highenergy-physics-dev added: Depends: libhepmcinterface8-dev removed: Depends: libhepmcinterface-dev -science-mathematics added: Depends: gap-small-groups-extra, coinor-symphony, tetgen, julia, sympow, eclib-tools, gap-prim-groups, xmds2, gfan, gap-table-of-marks, sagemath-database-polytopes, python-minieigen, qhull-bin, tachyon, gap-character-tables, sagemath-database-graphs, lrcalc, gap-float, palp, fplll-tools, lcalc, gap-guava, sfc, sagemath-database-elliptic-curves, gap-trans-groups, feel++-apps, sagemath-database-conway-polynomials, gap-small-groups Suggests: gap-online-help, gap-gapdoc, cliquer, ann-tools, matlab-support removed: Depends: singular, libgivaro0 -science-numericalcomputation added: Depends: libsuitesparse-dev, vitables, coinor-symphony, metis, julia, libsuitesparse-metis-dev, admesh, metis-edf, python-demgengeo, libdune-grid-dev, python-tables | python3-tables, coinor-clp, python-gts Suggests: scilab-jims, libsundials-serial-dev, octave-sundials, libscirenderer-java, matlab-support, libquantum-dev, libcneartree-dev, python-sciscipy, scilab-metanet -science-typesetting added: Depends: ipe5toxml, ipe Suggests: libqtexengine-dev, luasseq, svgtoipe -science-engineering-dev added: Depends: libnlopt-dev, libfreefoam-dev, libann-dev, python-fftw3, libflann-dev, libnfft3-dev, libcoin80-dev, python-collada, libslicot-dev, libdxflib-dev, salome-kernel-dev, libtet1.4-dev, liboce-visualization-dev, code-saturne-bin, liboce-ocaf-dev, libslepc3.4.2-dev, libdime-dev, code-saturne-include, libmetis-edf-dev Suggests: libdiet-client2.8-dev, openturns-examples, libgtkdatabox-0.9.2-0-dev, libdiet-dagda2.8-dev, libdiet-admin2.8-dev, libdiet-sed2.8-dev removed: Depends: libopencascade-dev, libfvm-dev, libslepc3.0.0-dev, freefoam-dev Suggests: libgtkdatabox-0.9.1-1-dev -science-viewing added: Depends: scidavis, libqglviewer2, feedgnuplot, ovito, python-gnuplot, libgnuplot-iostream-dev Suggests: libqglviewer-dev, python-vtk, libsoqt4-dev, worldwind, libcoin80-dev, libvtk5-qt4-dev, libvtk5-dev, vtk-examples, libvtk-java, libgrits-dev, r-cran-scales, circos-tools, r-cran-ggplot2, tcl-vtk, python-pivy, r-cran-labeling removed: Depends: grits -science-neuroscience-modeling added: Suggests: python-pynn removed: Suggests: pynn -science-astronomy-dev added: Depends: tcl-fitstcl, libivoafits-java, libgyoto1-dev, libfits-java, liberfa-dev removed: Depends: libgyoto0-dev -science-astronomy added: Depends: python-astropy, xpa-tools, python3-pyfits, python-pywcs, iraf, fitscheck, python-pyfits, python-cpl, skycat, python-pyds9, python-pyraf, fitsverify, x11iraf Suggests: cpl-plugin-hawki, cpl-plugin-uves, cpl-plugin-sinfo, cpl-plugin-fors, cpl-plugin-amber, cpl-plugin-xsh, cpl-plugin-giraf, cpl-plugin-vimos, cpl-plugin-kmos removed: Depends: heasoft-fv -science-physics-dev added: Depends: libfreefoam-dev, fftw-dev, libnfft3-dev, python-openctm, sfftw-dev, libfftw3-dev, libopenctm-dev, python-fftw3, python-quantities Suggests: libtriangle-dev removed: Depends: freefoam-dev -science-distributedcomputing added: Depends: mpich Suggests: octave-mpi removed: Depends: mpich2 -science-dataacquisition-dev added: Depends: liblog4tango5-dev, libtango8-dev removed: Depends: libtango7-dev, liblog4tango4-dev -science-nanoscale-physics-dev added: Depends: fftw-dev, python-fabio, pyfai, sfftw-dev, liboce-visualization-dev, liboce-ocaf-dev, libopenmpi-dev | libmpich-dev, libcbf-dev Suggests: libfftw3-doc, oce-draw removed: Depends: libfftw3-doc, libopencascade-dev Suggests: opencascade-draw -science-electrophysiology added: Suggests: python-neo, libbiosig-dev removed: Suggests: libbiosig0 -science-nanoscale-physics added: Depends: cbflib-bin, openmpi-bin | mpich Suggests: openmpi-doc | mpich-doc | lam-mpidoc removed: Depends: openmpi-doc | mpich2-doc | mpi-doc, libopenmpi1.3 | libmpich2-1.2 | libmpich1.0gf, openmpi-bin | mpich2 | mpich-bin -science-chemistry added: Depends: python-mmtk, gromacs | gromacs-mpich | gromacs-openmpi removed: Depends: gromacs | gromacs-lam | gromacs-mpich | gromacs-openmpi -science-physics added: Depends: oce-draw Suggests: openctm-tools removed: Depends: opencascade-draw -science-meteorology-dev added: Depends: libfreefoam-dev, sfftw-dev, libhdfeos-dev, fftw-dev, libsphere-dev Suggests: openturns-examples removed: Depends: libspherepack-dev, libhe4-hdfeos-dev, openturns-wrapper, freefoam-dev * New metapackages: -science-viewing-dev -science-geometry -science-presentation -science-economics -science-robotics-dev -science-devices -science-logic -science-financial -science-tools -science-social -- Andreas Tille Tue, 17 Dec 2013 22:02:11 +0100 debian-science (1.0) unstable; urgency=low * Update metapackages for Wheezy * debian/control, debian-gis-tasks.desc: Usual changes of dependency based on the resolving of new packages in Debian as specified in the tasks files [ Sylvestre Ledru ] * tasks/robotics: add some more dependencies. [ Andreas Tille ] * debian/tasks/simulation: Add new task for simulations * debian/tasks/physics-dev: Add new task for development of physical applications [ Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel ] * tasks/dataacquisition: Add python-taurus * tasks/{mathematics, numericalcomputation, physics, simulation}: Add python-deap * tasks/{chemistry, nanoscale-physics, physics, simulations}: Add fdmnes [ Andreas Tille ] * tasks/highenergy-physics-dev: Create metapackage targeting at development of high energy physics applications -- Andreas Tille Mon, 15 Apr 2013 10:39:06 +0200 debian-science (0.16) unstable; urgency=low [ Joost van Baal-Ilić ] * tasks/linguistics: add some more dependencies. [ Andreas Tille ] * debian/control(.stub) Standards-Version: 3.9.3 (no changes needed) * debian/control: Usual changes of dependency based on the resolving of new packages in Debian as specified in the tasks files * tasks/{robotics,numericalcomputation,mathematics}: s/octave3.2/octave/ Closes: #667587 -- Andreas Tille Fri, 30 Dec 2011 08:45:03 +0100 debian-science (0.15) unstable; urgency=low * config/control: Mention new metapackage science-highenergy-physics (which was lacking in last changelog) * tasks/dataacquisition-dev: New metapackage to develop data aquisition applications * tasks/statistics: s/r-cran-design/r-cran-rms/ Closes: #649446 * tasks/distributedcomputing: - s/mpichpython/openmpipython/ - s/lampython/mpich2python/ Closes: #646417 -- Andreas Tille Sat, 17 Dec 2011 23:56:58 +0100 debian-science (0.14) unstable; urgency=low * tasks/engineering-dev: Deleted libqwt5-qt3-dev which will be removed from Debian Closes: #629869 * tasks/astronomy(-dev): Added several packages according to a hint of Luk Claes Closes: #633562 * tasks/physics: s/quantumespresso/quantum-espresso/ Closes: #646701 * Fixed Vcs fields * Removed explicite Build-Dependency because it is implicitely given by Build-Depending blends-dev -- Andreas Tille Fri, 28 Oct 2011 12:36:56 +0200 debian-science (0.13) unstable; urgency=low [ Sylvestre Ledru ] * libmatheval1-dev => libmatheval-dev (Closes: #612758) [ Andreas Tille ] * Standards-Version: 3.9.2 (no changes needed) * New metapackages: - science-bci brain-computer interface - science-distributedcomputing distributed computing packages - science-electrophysiology packages related to electrophysiology - science-nanoscale-physics packages related to nanoscale physics - science-nanoscale-physics-dev packages useful for developing nanoscale physics applications - science-neuroscience-datasets packages for Neuroscience Datasets - science-neuroscience-modeling packages for modeling of neural systems - science-psychophysics packages related to packages for psychophysics * Several new dependencies auto generated via Blends tools -- Andreas Tille Wed, 04 May 2011 11:34:38 +0200 debian-science (0.12) unstable; urgency=low * tasks/statistics: Fix typo in package description Closes: #592701 * config/control: Depends: blends-common (>= 0.6.15) * debian/control.stub: Build-Depends-Indep: blends-dev (>= 0.6.15) Closes: #601959 * New tasks: science-nanoscale-physics and science-nanoscale-physics-dev -- Andreas Tille Mon, 08 Nov 2010 16:14:37 +0100 debian-science (0.11) unstable; urgency=low [ Sylvestre Ledru ] * hkl package added * salome is now in debian. Removing description [ Andreas Tille ] * New task: machine-learning * tasks/robotics: libvtk5 -> libvtk5.4 Closes: #591444 * Several prospective packages are now official Debian packages and this included automatically via blends-dev build mechanism * Standards-Version: 3.9.1 (no changes needed) * Build-Depends: blends-dev (>= 0.6.14) -- Andreas Tille Tue, 03 Aug 2010 09:46:09 +0200 debian-science (0.10) unstable; urgency=low * Rebuild against blends-dev >= 0.6.12. This results in using a prerm script instead of postrm which ensures that blends-common is installed while this script is running * Standards-Version: 3.8.4 (no changes needed) -- Andreas Tille Thu, 18 Mar 2010 09:26:14 +0100 debian-science (0.9) unstable; urgency=low * Depend from blends-common >= 0.6.9 and explain in NEWS.Debian that no attempt to take over any CDD related configuration Closes: #562554 -- Andreas Tille Sun, 24 Jan 2010 13:39:58 +0100 debian-science (0.8) unstable; urgency=low [ Sylvestre Ledru ] * Many packages updates * Some cleanup * Change of my email address [ Andreas Tille ] * config/control: Depends: blends-common (>= 0.6.8), which really Closes: #542658 * tasks/geography: s/postgresql-8.3-postgis/postgresql-8.4-postgis/ Closes: #559601 -- Andreas Tille Wed, 09 Dec 2009 20:12:09 +0100 debian-science (0.7) unstable; urgency=low [ Andreas Tille ] * Change section of metapackages from misc to science * debian/control.stub: - Fixed Vcs-Svn (missing svn/) - Build-Depends: blends-dev (>= 0.6.6) * config/control: Depends: blends-common (>= 0.6.6) Closes: #542658 * Debhelper 7 * Standards-Version: 3.8.3 (no changes needed) [ Alastair McKinstry ] * Added files to tasks/meteorology and tasks/meteorology-dev. -- Andreas Tille Fri, 21 Aug 2009 14:20:43 +0200 debian-science (0.6) unstable; urgency=low [ Andreas Tille ] * tasks/electronics: - removed vipec which is not in Debian any more - Increased dependency from Suggests to Depends for electric because it is not orphaned any more * tasks/physics: - lowercase prospective packages ESPResSo++ and PWscf Closes: #523077 * debian/control.stub: increased version of blends-dev dependency to 0.6.3 to make sure all package names will be lower cased [ Alastair McKinstry ] * Added science-meteorology and science-meteorology-dev metapackages. * tasks/meteorology: - Added. Depend on cdo and DB-All.e * tasks/meteorology-dev: - Added. Depend on libemos-dev. -- Andreas Tille Tue, 14 Apr 2009 10:51:31 +0200 debian-science (0.5) unstable; urgency=low [ Andreas Tille ] * tasks/mathematics-dev: replace libs by lib-devels Closes: #515947 * Vcs fields were fixed in previous version but closing the bug here which was reported later while the package was sitting in new Closes: #515943 * science-mathematics: s/Depends: Isabelle/Depends: isabelle/ Closes: #518048 * Bumped policy to 3.8.1 and make use of the new feature that debian/control allows comment lines starting with # with no preceding whitespace. [Policy paragraph 5.2] * tasks/geography: Depend from proj-bin instead of proj Closes: #521819 * Machine readable copyright file * Enhanced long desriptions for those tasks where lintian claimed about extended-description-is-probably-too-short [ Michael Hanke ] * Added preliminary task for cognitive neuroscience. -- Andreas Tille Thu, 02 Apr 2009 11:50:18 +0200 debian-science (0.4) experimental; urgency=low * Use blends-dev instead of cdd-dev * Adapted Vcs fields to new location (cdd -> blends) * New metapackages: astronomy-dev, dataacquisition, engineering-dev, imageanalysis, numericalcomputation -- Andreas Tille Tue, 06 Jan 2009 09:34:13 +0100 debian-science (0.3) unstable; urgency=low * Some applications / libraries added (Closes: #491474) * Add myself as uploader -- Sylvestre Ledru Sat, 19 Jul 2008 20:06:41 +0200 debian-science (0.2) unstable; urgency=low * tasks/geography: removed hyphen from description Closes: #486929 * tasks/astronomy: Added descriptions for packages that vanished from Debian * tasks/*: s/Depends/Recommens/ - this is done by current cdd-dev anyway The rationale for this behaviour is explained there. It seems logical to state in the tasks files what finally is implemented. We might think about enabling real Depends later if there might be reasons for this. * Current cdd-gen-control does not handle Recommends properly and thus all Recommends in tasks files were turned to Depends. * tasks/engineering: New task with some new dependencies and some moved from tasks/physics to this place Closes: #488962 -- Andreas Tille Thu, 03 Jul 2008 08:28:52 +0200 debian-science (0.1) unstable; urgency=low [ Frederic Daniel Luc Lehobey ] * Initial Release. [ Andreas Tille ] * DM-Upload-Allowed: yes * Vcs-Browser, Vcs-Svn * as maintainer * cdd-dev >= 0.5.2 * Standards-Version: 3.8.0 -- Andreas Tille Sat, 07 Jun 2008 00:30:31 +0200