dh-sysuser (1.6.0) unstable; urgency=medium Debian aims to standardize the declarative file format for system user creation and for this purpose the systemd's sysusers.d(5) format was chosen. As such dh_sysuser's native format is now considered legacy, is deprecated and scheduled for removal after Trixie release. To continue to use this package you should convert the dh_sysuser legacy control file to the systemd-sysusers format; the following is equivalent to dh-sysuser's default to create a 'username' system user: #Type Name ID GECOS Home directory Shell u username - "user description" /nonexistent Another option is to use the more popular and established dh_installsysusers addon from Debhelper package; you still need to convert to the control file as showed above, but dh_sysuser package is no longer needed. All sources where upstream installs a sysusers.d conf file should use dh_installsysusers as this package is not able to act on those files. Compared to dh_installsysusers, this package injects a different dependency that plays nice with alternative init systems, non-linux ports or initless systems. In future it may also add support for few corner cases that are not deemed relevant enough for the Debhelper's dh_installsysusers addon. Packages build with dh_sysuser will still work fine under systemd at the cost of an additional dependency (sysuser-helper). -- Lorenzo Puliti Wed, 22 Jan 2025 12:42:10 +0100