Format: Upstream-Name: DICOMScope Upstream-Source: Files: * Copyright: (C) 1999-2009, OFFIS and Institute for MicroTherapy License: OFFIS This software and supporting documentation were developed by . OFFIS e.V. Escherweg 2 26121 Oldenburg Germany and University of Witten/Herdecke Department of Radiology and MicroTherapy Institute for MicroTherapy Medical computer science Universitaetsstrasse 142 44799 Bochum Germany . THIS SOFTWARE IS MADE AVAILABLE, AS IS, AND OFFIS AND THE INSTITUTE FOR MICROTHERAPY MAKE NO WARRANTY REGARDING THE SOFTWARE, ITS PERFORMANCE, ITS MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR USE, FREEDOM FROM ANY COMPUTER DISEASES OR ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY SPECIFI- CATION. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH THE USER. . Copyright of the software and supporting documentation is, unless otherwise stated, owned by OFFIS and the Institute of MicroTherapy, and free access is hereby granted as a license to use this software, copy this software and prepare derivative works based upon this software. However, any distribution of this software source code or supporting documentation or derivative works (source code and support- ing documentation) must include the three paragraphs of this copyright notice. Files: debian/* Copyright: 2009, Mathieu Malaterre <> License: GPL-2+ The Debian packaging is licensed under the GPL-2 or any later version, see `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'