doc-central as of 1.9.0 ----------------------- Doc-central is no longer allowed to automatically install content below '/var/www/'. This is dictated by FHS compliance. The old packages used to offer a local service "http://localhost/dc/". This can now be accomplished by registering an alias with the web server, or failing that, for a less capable web server, by manually creating a soft link for the desired location below the web document root, then pointing to '/usr/share/doc-central/www'. To exemplify, the gist of these server aliases could be (Apache2) Alias /dc /usr/share/doc-central/www (Lighttpd) alias.url += ( "/dc/" => "/usr/share/doc-central/www/" ) This package installs a ready made, but restrictive, alias definition for Apache2 in '/etc/apache2/conf-available/doc-central.conf'. When doc-central was originally written the default Apache configuration would export /usr/share/doc/. That was considered a privacy issue and was disabled by default. The above doc-central.conf will add an alias for /dc and restricit it to localhost. It is activated with a2enconf doc-central. Also may need to enable cgi. With Apache that is a2enmod cgid or a2enmod cgi -- Diane Trout , Wed, 11 Oct 2017 15:01:02 -0700