ufl_legacy and Dolfin --------------------- UFL 2023 is no longer compatible with legacy dolfin. The last compatible UFL version 2022 is now provided separately as ufl_legacy (python3-ufl-legacy). dolfin now uses ufl_legacy. Depending on how you use dolfin and ufl, you may need to update scripts, e.g. replace import ufl with import ufl_legacy as ufl or replace from ufl import FunctionSpace with from ufl_legacy import FunctionSpace If you use ufl classes from the dolfin namespace rather than the ufl namespace, for instance `from dolfin import *; V=FunctionSpace(mesh,el)` rather than `import ufl; V=ufl.FunctionSpace(mesh,el)`, then no code changes should be needed 64-bit Dolfin ------------- 64-bit support is provided by python3-dolfin64-real and libdolfin64-dev. 64-bit here refers to 64-bit indexing provided by a 64-bit build of PETSc, allowing handling of larger systems (larger meshes) with more than 2 billion degress of freedom. This is activated by setting PETSC_DIR and SLEPC_DIR to appropriate paths, e.g. PETSC_DIR=/usr/lib/petsc64 SLEPC_DIR=/usr/lib/slepc64 Depending on usage you may also need to specific the dolfin libname extension ("64") to link to libdolfin64.so rather than libdolfin.so. This is controlled via DOLFIN_LIB_NAME_EXT. For cmake (C++ applications), set the cmake variable cmake -DDOLFIN_LIB_NAME_EXT=64 For python, set it as an environment variable DOLFIN_LIB_NAME_EXT=64 python3 Both PETSC_DIR (SLEPC_DIR) and DOLFIN_LIB_NAME_EXT need to be set to ensure the program links to both libpetsc64_*.so and libdolfin64.so. dijitso cache files are hashed by source file, not link library, meaning subsequent use of the same source file will not distinguish between a cached file linked against standard or 64-bit dolfin. The discrepancy may result in runtime errors. To avoid this, use a separate cache by defining the environment variable DIJITSO_CACHE_DIR e.g. DIJITSO_CACHE_DIR=.dijitso_cache or DIJITSO_CACHE_DIR=.dijitso_cache_64 and clean the cache if needed, with 'dijitso clean'. python3-dolfin is now a base package providing a dolfin.pth pointing by default at the preferred PETSc installation provided by python3-dolfin-real (for PETSC_DIR=/usr/lib/petsc SLEPC_DIR=/usr/lib/slepc). Conditional Support for SuperLU-Dist ------------------------------------ In principle dolfin supports SuperLU-Dist. However the superlu-dist package distributed by Debian is mostly useless since mc64, one of its core functions, cannot legally be redistributed and so has been removed from the Debian package. For this reason, we have given preference to mumps over superlu_dist. You may specify superlu_dist if desired (or if you have a local build of superlu_dist that includes mc64), for instance with solve(a == L, u, bc, solver_parameters={'linear_solver': 'superlu_dist'}) You may also successfully use superlu_dist without mc64 by specifying C++: PETScOptions::set("-mat_superlu_dist_rowperm", "NATURAL"); Python: PETScOptions.set('-mat_superlu_dist_rowperm', 'NATURAL') Performance will likely be reduced. The same problem applies to superlu, from which mc64 has also been removed. superlu still functions successfully however (mc64 is not core for the serial version of SuperLU). Internet availability for pusimp integration tests -------------------------------------------------- The goal of some pusimp integration tests is to create a dirty virtualenv in which some of dolfin dependecies are replaced with a manually installed package from PyPI, and verify that pusimp actually triggers an error while trying to import dolfin. However, to create such virtualenv environment the build needs to be allowed to download packages from pypi.org. pusimp integration tests are run only with autopkgtest and are not run while building the package, because python3-dolfin-{real,complex} is built using setup.py rather than querying pybuild. The file test/debian-only/test_pusimp.py gracefully handles a missing network by checking for internet availability trying to fetch www.debian.org via python3-requests. If networks is unreachable, all tests in the file will be skipped, and pusimp integration will only be partially tested.