easyloggingpp (9.96.7+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.

 -- Stephen Kitt <skitt@debian.org>  Mon, 26 Nov 2018 18:00:03 +0100

easyloggingpp (9.96.5+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Force the use of cmake to build googletest. Closes: #910305. Thanks to
    Steve Robbins for the fix!

 -- Stephen Kitt <skitt@debian.org>  Mon, 08 Oct 2018 13:27:38 +0200

easyloggingpp (9.96.5+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.
  * Set “Rules-Requires-Root: no”.
  * Standards-Version 4.2.1, no further change required.

 -- Stephen Kitt <skitt@debian.org>  Wed, 12 Sep 2018 09:00:23 +0200

easyloggingpp (9.96.4+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Add missing attributions to debian/copyright. Closes: #902693.
  * This package only ships source code, make it “Architecture: all” and
    “Multi-Arch: foreign”.
  * Disable verbose debhelper by default.

 -- Stephen Kitt <skitt@debian.org>  Sun, 01 Jul 2018 09:28:13 +0200

easyloggingpp (9.96.4+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Initial release. Closes: #895156.

 -- Stephen Kitt <skitt@debian.org>  Thu, 28 Jun 2018 07:58:32 +0200