Format: Upstream-Name: fceux Upstream-Contact: zeromus <> Source: Files: output/luaScripts/RBIBaseball.lua output/luaScripts/PunchOutStats.lua output/luaScripts/ZapperDisplay.lua output/luaScripts/PunchOutChallenge.lua output/luaScripts/UsingLuaScripting-ListofFunctions.txt output/luaScripts/NightmareElmStreet-4Player.lua src/state.cpp src/drivers/win/memwatch.cpp src/drivers/win/res.rc src/drivers/win/aviout.cpp src/drivers/win/texthook.cpp src/drivers/win/keyboard.cpp src/drivers/win/memview.cpp src/drivers/win/directories.cpp src/drivers/win/main.h src/drivers/win/config.cpp src/drivers/win/debugger.cpp src/drivers/win/mapinput.cpp src/drivers/win/window.cpp src/drivers/win/cheat.cpp src/drivers/win/cdlogger.cpp src/drivers/win/main.cpp src/drivers/sdl/gui.cpp src/drivers/common/config.cpp src/boards/mmc5.cpp src/lua-engine.cpp src/file.cpp src/sound.cpp src/ines.cpp src/video.cpp src/config.cpp src/fceu.cpp src/debug.cpp src/input.h src/cheat.cpp src/input.cpp src/movie.cpp Copyright: adelikat License: GPL-2+ Files: src/drivers/videolog/rgbtorgb.* src/drivers/videolog/quantize.h src/drivers/videolog/simd.h Copyright: 1992, 2008 Joel Yliluoma License: GPL-2+ Comment: I (Alexander Toresson) have been in contact with Mr. Yliluoma, as his files did not have a license statement. He answered that they are GPLv2, as most of the rest of FCEUX are. Files: output/luaScripts/x_functions.lua Copyright: Joel Yliluoma (Bisqwit) License: GPL-2+ Files: src/emufile.h src/types-des.h Copyright: 2008-2009 DeSmuME team License: GPL-2+ Files: src/types-des.h Copyright: 2005 Guillaume Duhamel License: GPL-2+ Files: src/drivers/sdl/gui.h Copyright: 2009 Lukas <lukas@LTx3-64> License: GPL-2+ Files: src/drivers/win/memwatch.cpp Copyright: 2006 Luke Gustafson License: GPL-2+ Files: src/drivers/win/res.rc src/drivers/win/sound.cpp Copyright: 2002 zeromus License: GPL-2+ Files: src/drivers/win/ppuview.cpp src/drivers/win/texthook.cpp src/drivers/win/memview.cpp src/drivers/win/ntview.cpp src/drivers/win/debugger.cpp src/drivers/win/tracer.cpp src/drivers/win/cheat.cpp src/drivers/win/cdlogger.cpp Copyright: 2002 Ben Parnell License: GPL-2+ Files: src/drivers/common/scale* Copyright: 2001-2004 Andrea Mazzoleni License: GPL-2+ Files: src/types.h src/version.h Copyright: 2001 Aaron Oneal License: GPL-2+ Files: src/boards/121.cpp Copyright: 2007-2008 Mad Dumper License: GPL-2+ Files: src/boards/bmc42in1r.cpp src/boards/230.cpp Copyright: 2009 qeed License: GPL-2+ Files: src/boards/bmc13in1jy110.cpp src/boards/121.cpp src/boards/bs-5.cpp src/boards/ghostbusters63in1.cpp src/boards/112.cpp src/boards/175.cpp src/boards/__dummy_mapper.cpp src/boards/187.cpp src/boards/176.cpp src/boards/n625092.cpp src/boards/103.cpp src/boards/gs-2013.cpp src/boards/mmc3.cpp src/boards/bandai.cpp src/boards/bmc70in1.cpp src/boards/830118C.cpp src/boards/106.cpp src/boards/tf-1201.cpp src/boards/h2288.cpp src/boards/253.cpp src/boards/177.cpp src/boards/kof97.cpp src/boards/8157.cpp src/boards/t-262.cpp src/boards/178.cpp src/boards/bmc64in1nr.cpp src/boards/vrc5.cpp src/boards/01-222.cpp src/boards/186.cpp src/boards/108.cpp src/boards/sc-127.cpp src/boards/68.cpp src/boards/t-227-1.cpp src/boards/88.cpp src/boards/164.cpp src/boards/addrlatch.cpp src/boards/185.cpp src/boards/15.cpp src/boards/3d-block.cpp src/boards/235.cpp src/boards/90.cpp src/boards/120.cpp src/boards/a9746.cpp src/boards/8237.cpp src/boards/onebus.cpp src/boards/bonza.cpp src/boards/116.cpp src/boards/ks7032.cpp src/boards/fk23c.cpp src/boards/222.cpp src/boards/ax5705.cpp src/boards/bmc42in1r.cpp src/boards/dream.cpp src/boards/sheroes.cpp src/boards/23.cpp src/boards/edu2000.cpp src/boards/208.cpp src/boards/43.cpp src/boards/super24.cpp src/boards/57.cpp src/boards/189.cpp src/boards/603-5052.cpp src/boards/199.cpp src/boards/183.cpp src/boards/411120-c.cpp src/boards/sl1632.cpp src/boards/gs-2004.cpp src/boards/62.cpp src/drivers/win/mapinput.cpp src/sound.cpp src/fceu.cpp src/boards/12in1.cpp src/boards/151.cpp src/boards/156.cpp src/boards/168.cpp src/boards/170.cpp src/boards/18.cpp src/boards/193.cpp src/boards/225.cpp src/boards/228.cpp src/boards/230.cpp src/boards/232.cpp src/boards/234.cpp src/boards/244.cpp src/boards/246.cpp src/boards/252.cpp src/boards/32.cpp src/boards/33.cpp src/boards/34.cpp src/boards/82.cpp src/boards/91.cpp src/boards/96.cpp src/boards/99.cpp src/boards/ac-08.cpp src/boards/bb.cpp src/boards/cityfighter.cpp src/boards/dance2000.cpp src/boards/famicombox.cpp src/boards/ks7012.cpp src/boards/ks7013.cpp src/boards/ks7017.cpp src/boards/ks7030.cpp src/boards/ks7031.cpp src/boards/ks7037.cpp src/boards/7057.cpp src/boards/le05.cpp src/boards/lh32.cpp src/boards/lh53.cpp src/boards/pec-586.cpp src/boards/sa-9602b.cpp src/boards/transformer.cpp src/boards/vrc2and4.cpp src/boards/vrc7.cpp src/boards/yoko.cpp src/boards/09-034a.cpp src/boards/36.cpp src/boards/40.cpp src/boards/41.cpp src/boards/42.cpp src/boards/46.cpp src/boards/50.cpp src/boards/51.cpp src/boards/62.cpp src/boards/65.cpp src/boards/67.cpp src/boards/69.cpp src/boards/71.cpp src/boards/72.cpp src/boards/77.cpp src/boards/79.cpp src/boards/80.cpp src/boards/ffe.cpp src/boards/mihunche.cpp src/boards/mmc2and4.cpp src/boards/vrc1.cpp src/boards/vrc3.cpp src/boards/vrc6.cpp src/boards/vrc7p.cpp Copyright: 2002-2003, 2005-2013 CaH4e3 License: GPL-2+ Files: src/drivers/win/debuggersp.* src/drivers/win/memviewsp.* src/drivers/win/pref.* src/conddebug.* Copyright: 2005 Sebastian Porst License: GPL-2+ Files: src/utils/backward.* Copyright: 2013 Google Inc. License: Expat Files: src/utils/xstring.* Copyright: 2004 Jason Oster (Parasyte) License: GPL-2+ Files: src/drivers/sdl/sdl-joystick.cpp src/~attic/pc/dos-video.c Copyright: 2002 Paul Kuliniewicz License: GPL-2+ Files: src/input.cpp src/config.cpp src/boards/mmc1.cpp src/boards/mmc3.cpp src/ppu.cpp src/ines.* src/boards/96.cpp Copyright: 1998 BERO License: GPL-2+ Files: fceux-server/* src/utils/crc32.cpp src/utils/endian.cpp src/utils/general.cpp src/utils/memory.* src/sound.* src/unif.* src/boards/karaoke.cpp src/boards/mmc1.cpp src/boards/novel.cpp src/boards/sachen.cpp src/boards/n106.cpp src/boards/mmc3.cpp src/boards/164.cpp src/boards/supervision.cpp src/boards/90.cpp src/boards/datalatch.cpp src/boards/tengen.cpp src/boards/117.cpp src/boards/mmc5.cpp src/boards/malee.cpp src/cheat.cpp src/vsuni.cpp src/ppu.cpp src/ src/fds.cpp src/x6502.* src/palette.cpp src/types.h src/ines.* src/boards/40.cpp src/boards/42.cpp src/boards/50.cpp src/boards/65.cpp src/boards/69.cpp src/boards/80.cpp src/boards/mmc2and4.cpp src/boards/67.cpp src/boards/79.cpp src/fceu.cpp src/input/* src/nsf.* src/state.* src/drivers/common/config.cpp src/drivers/common/args.cpp src/drivers/common/cheat.* src/drivers/common/vidblit.* src/drivers/win/input.cpp src/drivers/win/joystick.cpp src/drivers/win/video.cpp src/drivers/win/keyboard.cpp src/drivers/win/config.cpp src/drivers/win/args.cpp src/drivers/win/window.cpp src/drivers/win/main.cpp src/drivers/win/netplay.cpp src/drivers/win/sound.cpp src/drivers/win/throttle.cpp src/drivers/win/keyscan.h src/drivers/win/movieoptions.cpp src/drivers/win/wave.cpp src/drivers/sdl/input.cpp src/drivers/sdl/main.h src/drivers/sdl/sdl-joystick.cpp src/drivers/sdl/gui.cpp src/drivers/sdl/sdl-video.cpp src/drivers/sdl/sdl-sound.cpp src/drivers/sdl/unix-netplay.cpp src/version.h src/cart.cpp src/file.cpp src/boards/emu2413.* src/boards/96.cpp src/boards/206.cpp Copyright: 2002-2004 Xodnizel License: GPL-2+ Files: src/boards/176.cpp src/boards/bandai.cpp src/boards/28.cpp Copyright: 2011 FCEUX team License: GPL-2+ Files: src/boards/emu2413.* Copyright: 2001 Mitsutaka Okazaki License: Other MSXplug and EMU2413 is a free, but these software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications. To alter this software and redistribute it freely, if the origin of this software is not misrepresented, and this notice is not removed from any source distribution. Comment: From the research I [Joe Nahmias] did using, it seems that this component originally came from <>. I found this license statement at: <> Files: src/utils/unzip.* src/utils/ioapi.* Copyright: 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant License: Zlib Files: src/utils/unzip.* Copyright: 2007-2008 Even Rouault License: Zlib Files: src/utils/unzip.* Copyright: 1990-2000 Info-ZIP License: Zlib Files: src/utils/unzip.* src/utils/ioapi.* Copyright: 2009-2010 Mathias Svensson License: Zlib Files: src/utils/ConvertUTF.* Copyright: 2001-2004 Unicode, Inc License: other This source code is provided as is by Unicode, Inc. No claims are made as to fitness for any particular purpose. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. The recipient agrees to determine applicability of information provided. If this file has been purchased on magnetic or optical media from Unicode, Inc., the sole remedy for any claim will be exchange of defective media within 90 days of receipt. . Limitations on Rights to Redistribute This Code . Unicode, Inc. hereby grants the right to freely use the information supplied in this file in the creation of products supporting the Unicode Standard, and to make copies of this file in any form for internal or external distribution as long as this notice remains attached. Files: src/drivers/win/zlib/* Copyright: 1995-2002 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler 1998 Gilles Vollant License: Zlib Files: src/drivers/win/lua/include/* Copyright: 1994-2008, PUC-Rio License: Expat Files: src/drivers/win/7zip/* src/drivers/win/7z.dll Copyright: 1999-2005 Igor Pavlov License: LGPL-2.1+ Files: src/drivers/win/OutputDS.cpp Copyright: None License: public-domain this code is sloppily ripped from an unfinished sound system written for internal use by m.gambrell it is released into the public domain and its stability is not warranted Files: src/drivers/win/Win32InputBox.* Copyright: Elias Bachaalany aka lallous <> License: Zlib Files: src/drivers/win/7zip/* Copyright: 1999-2005 Igor Pavlov License: LGPL-2.1+ Files: src/drivers/common/hq* Copyright: 2003 MaxSt ( ) License: LGPL-2.1+ Files: src/lua-engine.cpp Copyright: 2008-2009 Mike Pall License: Expat Files: src/drivers/common/nes_ntsc* Copyright: 2006-2007 Shay Green License: LGPL-2.1+ Files: Copyright: 2012 Lukas Sabota License: GPL-2+ Files: output/luaScripts/AVI-HeadsUpDisplay.lua Copyright: amaurea, andymac and feos (unknown year) License: GPL-2+ Files: output/luaScripts/BoulderDash_AmoebaAI.lua output/luaScripts/CustomLagIndicator_RvT.lua output/luaScripts/SoundDisplay.lua output/luaScripts/taseditor/*.lua Copyright: 2012 AnS License: GPL-2+ Files: src/drivers/win/taseditor/* Copyright: 2011-2013 AnS License: Expat Files: output/luaScripts/BugsBunnyBirthdayBlowout.lua output/luaScripts/Excitingbike.lua output/luaScripts/Excitingbike-speedometeronly.lua output/luaScripts/Galaxian.lua output/luaScripts/Machrider.lua output/luaScripts/SMB-AreaScrambler.lua output/luaScripts/SMB-Mouse.lua output/luaScripts/SMB-Snow.lua output/luaScripts/vnb.lua Copyright: XKeeper (unknown year) License: Zlib Comment: I (Alexander Toresson) have been in contact with Alex (Xkeeper). He answered that the scripts are under the Zlib license. Files: output/luaScripts/ButtonCount.lua Copyright: Brandon Evans (unknown year) License: GPL-2+ Files: output/luaScripts/FRKfunctions.lua output/luaScripts/Multitrack2.lua output/luaScripts/Multitrack.lua output/luaScripts/PunchOutTraining.lua output/luaScripts/Subtitler.lua Copyright: FatRatKnight (unknown year), DarkKobold License: GPL-2+ Files: output/luaScripts/Multitrack.lua Copyright: DarkKobold (unknown year) License: GPL-2+ Files: output/luaScripts/FRKfunctions.lua output/luaScripts/Multitrack2.lua output/luaScripts/Multitrack.lua output/luaScripts/PunchOutTraining.lua output/luaScripts/Subtitler.lua output/luaScripts/Multitrack.lua Copyright: Antony Lavelle License: public-domain I (Alexander Toresson) have been in contact with Antony, who answered that he relinquishes all rights and releases the files into the public domain. Files: output/luaScripts/Gradius-BulletHell.lua output/luaScripts/MegamanII-LaserEyes.lua output/luaScripts/SMB3-RainbowRiding.lua output/luaScripts/ZapperFun.lua output/luaScripts/m_utils.lua Copyright: miau (unknown year) License: Zlib Comment: I (Alexander Toresson) have been in contact with Julius (miau), who answered that the files are licensed under the Zlib license. Files: output/luaScripts/luabot_framework.lua output/luaScripts/Luabot.lua output/luaScripts/Regiserfind(CheatSearch).lua output/luaScripts/SMB2U.lua output/luaScripts/SMB-HitBoxes.lua output/luaScripts/SMB-Jetpack.lua output/luaScripts/TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles.lua output/luaScripts/tetris.lua output/luaScripts/UsingLua*.txt Copyright: 2008 QFox/qFox (spelling differs between files) License: GPL-2+ Files: output/luaScripts/SMB-Lives&HPDisplay.lua Copyright: 2008 4matsy License: GPL-2+ Files: output/luaScripts/SoundDisplay2.lua Copyright: 2012 feos License: GPL-2+ Files: output/luaScripts/SMB-CompetitionRecorder.lua Copyright: 2010 ugetab License: GPL-2+ Files: debian/* Copyright: 2002-2013 Joe Nahmias <> 2009-2013 Alexander Toresson <> License: GPL-2+ License: Expat Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: . The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. License: GPL-2+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. . This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA License: LGPL-2.1+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. . This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. . You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License with the Debian GNU/Linux distribution in file /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. License: Zlib This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. . Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: . 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.