This package was debianized by Philip Brown on Sat, 28 Jul 2001 09:44:50 -0700. It was downloaded from Upstream Author(s): Philip Brown Copyright: I, Philip Brown, am the new maintainer of the "filter" program, as of approximately April, 1998. It was handed over to me by Bill Pemberton, who is/was a member of the elm group at the time. 'filter' was officially separated from the elm releases, starting with elm 2.5 As such, even though it is now a "separate" program, it is still licensed under the original ELM license, which follows: ====================================================================== The Elm(tm) Mail System General Public License (C) Copyright 1988-1992, USENET Community Trust (C) Copyright 1986,1987, by Dave Taylor COPYING POLICIES Permission is hereby granted for copying and distribution of copies of the Elm source files, and that of any part thereof, subject to the following license conditions: 1. You may, without additional permission from the authors, distribute Elm or components of Elm, with or without additions developed by you or by others at no charge. You may also distribute Elm along with any other product for sale, provided that the cost of the bundled package is the same regardless of whether Elm is included, and provided that those interested only in Elm must be notified and provided that those interested only in Elm must be notified that it is a product freely available from the Elm Development Group. 2. You may, without additional permission from the authors, distribute copies of the Elm Documentation, with or without additions developed by you or by others at no charge or at a charge that covers the cost of reproducing the copies, provided that the Elm copyright notice is retained. 3. Furthermore, if you distribute Elm software or parts of Elm, with or without additions developed by you or others, then you must either make available the source to all portions of the Elm system (exclusive of any additions made by you or by others) upon request, or instead you may notify anyone requesting source that it is freely available from the Elm Development Group. 4. In addition, you may not omit any of the copyright notices on either the source files, the executable file, or the documentation, and 5. Also, you may not omit transmission of this License agreement with whatever portions of Elm that are distributed. 6. Lastly, any users of this software must be notified that it is without warrantee or guarantee of any nature, express or implied, nor is there any fitness for use represented. Software is a malleable thing - especially UNIX - and the authors can in no way guarantee that using this program will not cause grievous damage to your system. Of course this isn't anticipated, but if it does happen, the authors cannot be held liable for any damages either directly or indirectly caused by this event. Modification of the system is encouraged, providing that the portions of the system that are from the original still carry the appropriate copyright notices and that the changed sections are clearly delimited as such. The authors requests copies of any changes made to ensure that the various versions stay reasonably in sync with each other. Please send all revisions to elm@DSI.COM. [actually, SEE NOTE AT BOTTOM] NOTE that it is not permitted to copy, sublicense, distribute or transfer any of the Elm software except as expressly indicated herein. Any attempts to do otherwise will be considered a violation of this license and your rights to the Elm software will be voided. Comments on the system and/or this licensing agreement is encouraged. Send electronic mail to "". [SEE NOTE AT BOTTOM] This license was written with help from Scott McGregor. Thanks Scott! ---- Elm is a trademark of Dave Taylor. ========================================================================= Please note that the license text above, is included unmodified from the original. However, the email addresses given should not be used in conjunction with feedback for 'filter'. Instead you should send email to ""