The standards put all scientific software into a top level menu category called "Education". This is short-sighted and just plain wrong but until they change it, has to be rectified in the Window Manager configurations. KDE and Gnome already provide for a "Science" top level category but XFCE4 does not. It is relatively easy to make this change, however. 1. in /etc/xdg/menus edit to have an entry which reads:
and modify the Education entry to read: 2. in /usr/share/desktop-directories add a file called with contents as listed below. Icons are taken by default from the /usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/categories directory and fortunately, there is an applications-science.png icon there. [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Directory Icon=applications-science Name=Science Name[ar]=العلوم Name[be]=Навука Name[bn]=বিজ্ঞান Name[bs]=Nauka Name[ca]=Ciència Name[cs]=Věda Name[da]=Videnskab Name[de]=Wissenschaft Name[dz]=ཚན་རིག Name[el]=Επιστημονικά Name[en_GB]=Science Name[eo]=Scienco Name[eu]=Zientzia Name[fi]=Tiede Name[fr]=Sciences Name[gl]=Ciencias Name[gu]=વિજ્ઞાન Name[he]=מדע Name[hi]=विज्ञान Name[hr]=Znanost Name[hu]=Tudomány Name[id]=IPTEK Name[it]=Scienza Name[ja]=科学 Name[km]=វិទ្យាសាស្ត្រ Name[ko]=과학 Name[ku]=Zanist Name[mk]=Наука Name[ml]=ശാസ്ത്രം Name[mr]=विज्ञान Name[nb]=Vitenskap Name[ne]=विज्ञान Name[nl]=Wetenschap Name[nn]=Vitskap Name[pt]=Ciência Name[ro]=Știință Name[sk]=Veda Name[sq]=Shkencë Name[th]=วิทยาศาสตร์ Name[tl]=Agham Name[tr]=Bilim Name[uk]=Наука Name[vi]=Khoa học Name[zh_TW]=科學 Comment=Scientific applications Comment[it]=Applicazioni scientifiche Comment[fr] scientifique Carlo Segre, July 3, 2009