This package was debianized by Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP) <> on Sun, 08 Mar 2009 15:53:46 +0900. It was downloaded from Upstream Author: Num Kadoma <num_kadoma _atmark_> Copyright: Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Num Kadoma License: These fonts are free softwares. Unlimited permission is granted to use, copy, and distribute it, with or without modification, either commercially and noncommercially. THESE FONTS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY. これらのフォントはフリー(自由な)ソフトウエアです。 あらゆる改変の有無に関わらず、また商業的な利用であっても、自由にご利用、 複製、再配布することができますが、全て無保証とさせていただきます。 The Debian packaging is copyright 2009, Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP) <> and is licensed under the same license as upstream.