This is the Debian GNU/Linux r-cran-foreign package of foreign, a
collection of functions to read / write data stored by other
statistical systems.  Foreign was written by T. Lumley, D. Bates,
and S. DebRoy.

This package was created by Dirk Eddelbuettel <>.
The sources were downloaded from
and are also included in the (large) source tar archive of R itself at

The package was renamed from its upstream name 'foreign' to 'r-cran-foreign'
to fit the pattern of CRAN (and non-CRAN) packages for R.

Copyright (C) 1999-2008 R Core (Thomas Lumley, Douglas Bates, Saikat DebRoy, 
                        Brian Ripley, Kurt Hornik, Duncan Murdoch, 
                        Martin Maechler, Peter Dalgaard, and others)  
			and Roger Bivand

License: GPL 

On a Debian GNU/Linux system, the GPL license is included in the file

For reference, the upstream DESCRIPTION [with lines broken to 80 cols]
file is included below:

    Package: foreign
    Priority: recommended
    Version: 0.6-6
    Date: 2003-12-20
    Title: Read data stored by Minitab, S, SAS, SPSS, Stata, ...
    Depends: R (>= 1.7.0)
    Maintainer: R-core <>
    Author: Thomas Lumley <>,
            Saikat DebRoy <>,
            Douglas M. Bates <> and
    	Duncan Murdoch <>
    Description: Functions for reading and writing data stored by statistical
             packages such as Minitab, S, SAS, SPSS, Stata, ...
    License: GPL version 2 or later
    Packaged: Sat Dec 20 09:10:24 2003; ripley