freedict-tools (0.3-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * debian/control: fixed maintainer address (Closes: #510955).
  * debian/patches: added patch 004_remove_phonetics import.diff for fully
    removing the phonetics import target.

 -- Kęstutis Biliūnas <>  Thu, 08 Jan 2009 00:56:50 +0200

freedict-tools (0.3-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * debian/control:
    - bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.0. No changes required;
    - use debhelper (>= 7);
    - the homepage address removed from extended package description and added
      Homepage field in the source package;
    - added Vcs-Browser and fixed Vcs-svn fields;
    - added the stardict-tools package to Build-Depends-Indep.
    - added the quilt package to Depends, because Makefile.debian requires it.
  * debian/rules: removed the targets prepare, patch and unpatch. Instead of
    these included quilt.make.
  * debian/install: added the files xsl/getauthor.xsl, xsl/gettitle.xsl,
    xsl/getsourceurl.xsl and getedition.xsl.
  * debian/Makefile.Debian:
    - removed the targets prepare, patch and unpatch. Instead of these
      included quilt.make;
    - the targets build, install and clean adjusted for building the binary
      packages for opendict and stardict formated dictionaries.    
  * debian/patches:
    - removed patch 002_scriptdir_in_Makefile.common.diff - accepted by the
    - added patch 003_remove_rubbish_in_dict.diff for removing the last
      rubbish line in the .dict file.
  * debian/debian-scripts:
    - removed file README.Debian;
    - file changelog.Debian.old updated from the freedict-1.3-4 package;
    - added files Makefile.opendict,, and;
    - removed the message from postindt script about the needing to set the
      parameter --locale in /etc/default/dictd.
  * Removed the script teiaddphonetics from installing to this package.
    We can't to implement the phonetics import because of the license issue.
  * Fixed the file explaining how to edit or create the patches and renamed
    from debian/README.devel to debian/README.source

 -- Kęstutis Biliūnas <>  Sun, 04 Jan 2009 12:00:45 +0200

freedict-tools (0.2-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New official upstream release.  First release for the Debian archive,
    based upon prior work by Kęstutis Biliūnas <>
    (Closes: #405358).
  * debian/{install,links,rules}: Makefile.{common,config} no longer installed
    in usr/share/freedict-tools/tools, but in usr/share/freedict-tools/mk.
    usr/include/freedict-tools/mk contains symlinks, so that make can find
    these in its default include path.  debian/links added. dh_links
    invokation added to debian/rules.
  * debian/{install,control}: install teiaddphonetics and script;
    add dependency on libxml-dom-perl for it.
  * patches/002_scriptdir_in_Makefile.common.diff: hack Makefile.common: add
    support for $(scriptsdir) (place for teiaddphonetics script), make
    $(dictname) overwritable, make $(xsldir) overwritable, add option to
    disable phonetics-support by making $(supported_phonetics) overwritable.
  * debian/Makefile.Debian: added: file to be include-d by dict-package's
  * debian/debian-scripts: use @LANG@, not LANG.  Add .in filename extension
    to files using @LANG@, @AUTHORN@ e.a.
  * debian/watch: added.

 -- Joost van Baal <>  Wed, 20 Dec 2006 16:23:13 +0100