freewheeling (0.6.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Ondřej Nový ]
  * d/changelog: Remove trailing whitespaces
  * Use debhelper-compat instead of debian/compat

  [ Olivier Humbert ]
  * Adds a French menu item comment

  [ Debian Janitor ]
  * Remove patches 024_fixbounds.diff that are
    missing from debian/patches/series.
  * Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Database, Bug-Submit (from
    ./configure), Repository, Repository-Browse.
  * Drop unnecessary dependency on dh-autoreconf.

  [ Dennis Braun ]
  * New upstream version 0.6.6
    + Fix FTBFS (Closes: #1011683)
  * Switch dependency from ttf-bitstream-vera to fonts-dejavu-core
    (Closes: #998278)
  * Update patchset and format patches with gbp pq
  * Apply wrap-and-sort -ast
  * d/control:
    + Change Maintainer to Debian Multimedia Maintainers. (Closes: #981633)
    + Add me as uploader
    + Bump dh-compat to 13
    + Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.2
    + Replace libgnutls-openssl-dev with nettle-dev
    + Prefer libjack-dev over libjack-jackd2-dev
    + Use https protocol for homepage
    + Set RRR: no
  * d/copyright: Format file and add myself
  * Remove the obsolete d/dirs file
  * d/rules: Add hardening
  * Add salsa ci config

 -- Dennis Braun <>  Wed, 04 Jan 2023 14:55:04 +0100

freewheeling (0.6.4-1.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * support fluidsynth2 (Closes: #946863)
    (upstream: 18e98443616ced116ca26c90ab0f4b3ce8e6a453)
  * replace build dependency 'gnutls-openssl-dev' with 'nettle-dev'
    (upstream: e2127d75ef49e5171e2e60fdff6ad2412b0f07eb)
  * fix thread-count race condition during memory-manager init
    (upstream: b5eb2336bd0dd886f0789b2c3a8fff41bf5926a9)
  * enable pckeyboard interface
    (upstream: 00323c2c97f5a5971ec951c327eeb26d93117255)

 -- bill-auger <>  Wed, 03 Feb 2021 06:46:41 -0500

freewheeling (0.6.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream version 0.6.4 (closes: #906462)
  * Acknowledge non-maintainer upload, thanks to Adrian Bunk (closes: #831163)
  * debian/control:
    + bump to Standards-Version 4.2.1
    + add Build-Depends on liblo-dev
    + bump to debhelper 10
    + remove autotools-dev and libtool
    + add Vcs fields
    + switch to ttf-bitstream-vera
  * debian/compat: bump to 10
  * debian/rules:
    + remove -std=gnu++98 and use default flags
    + use dh_autoreconf
  * debian/patches:
    + 000_fixinstalldirs.diff: load sf2 from /u/s/sounds/sf2 (closes: #817229)
    + 001_sf2location.diff: use absolute path for default sf2
    + 012_fluidsynth.diff: avoid fluidsynth deprecation warnings
    + 021_forcecopy.diff: cast to unsigned char* to avoid warnings
    + 022_nounusedresult.diff: do not ignore write() result
    + 023_noignoresystem.diff: do not ignore system() result
    + 024_fixbounds.diff: avoid out-of-bounds warnings
    + 060_jackstart.diff: start jack if not running
    + 070_occurred.diff, 071_threshold.diff: fix typos
    + remove old patches, integrated upstream
  * debian/watch: watch new releases on github
  * debian/README.Debian: remove obsolete note
  * debian/menu: remove obsolete menu file
  * debian/freewheeling.desktop: add keywords

 -- Paul Brossier <>  Mon, 10 Sep 2018 15:45:23 +0200

freewheeling (0.6-2.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * Use -std=gnu++98 to fix the build with gcc 6. (Closes: #831163)

 -- Adrian Bunk <>  Fri, 13 Jan 2017 19:29:50 +0200

freewheeling (0.6-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Acknowledge non-maintainer uploads (closes: #554371, #709340)
  * debian/control: Build-Depends on libgnutls-openssl-dev (closes: #731467)
  * debian/control: fix grammar error (closes: #686916)
  * debian/control: remove old bzr branches
  * debian/control: bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5
  * debian/control: Build-Depends on libjack-jackd2-dev
  * debian/control: drop Build-Depends on quilt
  * debian/freewheeling.sgml: fix config location
  * debian/format/source: 3.0 (quilt)
  * debian/rules: pass LDFLAGS to configure
  * debian/rules: simplify

 -- Paul Brossier <>  Fri, 20 Dec 2013 15:28:07 -0500

freewheeling (0.6-1.2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * debian/control: Replace obsolete ttf-{dustin,dejavu} with
    fonts-{dustin,dejavu}. (Closes: #709340)

 -- Sebastian Ramacher <>  Sat, 01 Jun 2013 17:16:34 +0200

freewheeling (0.6-1.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * Link against both libSDL and libogg (040_linkoggandSDL.diff) and run
    autoreconf (041_autoreconf.diff). Fixes FTBFS --no-copy-dt-needed-entries.
    Closes: #554371

 -- Andreas Metzler <>  Sun, 27 Mar 2011 14:54:17 +0200

freewheeling (0.6-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Acknowledge non-maintainer upload (closes: #456433, #461257)
  * debian/control: bump Standards-Version to 3.8.3, added Homepage and Vcs-
  * debian/README.source: add reference to quilt documentation

 -- Paul Brossier <>  Fri, 30 Oct 2009 16:27:36 +0100

freewheeling (0.6-0.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * New upstream release.
  * Add quilt patch system.
  * 010_dejavu.diff - Use dejavu fonts not vera. (Closes: #461257).
  * 020_fondir.diff - Hardcode font dir to /usr/share/fonts/truetype.
  * Make clean not ignore errors.
  * Copy in config.{sub,guess} on configure, remove them on clean.
    + Add autotools-dev build-dep.
  * Clean up and clarify debian/copyright.
    + Upstream source files include GPL header. (Closes: #456433).
  * Bump debhelper build-dep and compat to 5.
  * Bump Standards Version to 3.8.1.
    + Menu policy transition.

 -- Barry deFreese <>  Wed, 13 May 2009 13:30:31 -0400

freewheeling (0.5.5-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release
  * Patched data/ and data/.fweelin.rc to load ttf-bitstream-vera
  * Do not use unexisting patches2.xml in .fweelin.rc
  * Add libsndfile-dev to Build-depends
  * Bumped Standards-Version to 3.7.2

 -- Paul Brossier <>  Mon, 16 Apr 2007 23:09:03 +0200

freewheeling (0.5.2a-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release
  * Include upstream fixes for ctrl+click in data/.fweelin.rc
  * Updated watch file

 -- Paul Brossier <>  Fri, 21 Apr 2006 19:07:26 +0200

freewheeling (0.5.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
  * Apply patch to build with g++ 4.1 (closes: #358259, thanks tbm)
  * Update virtual destructors to avoid g++ warnings
  * Update manpage to reflect new config location
  * Switched back to -O2

 -- Paul Brossier <>  Sun, 16 Apr 2006 20:41:56 +0200

freewheeling (0.5pre4-5) unstable; urgency=low

  * Fixes various gcc-4.0 warnings (uninitialised variables, non-void
    functions never returning, wrong printf format strings)
  * Fixed 2 buffer overflows in
  * Remove -finline-functions and compile without optimisations (-O0)
    Thanks to Steve Langasek for his precious help. The main bug remains to
    be fixed, but fweelin now runs on i386. (closes: #328276)
  * Arranges broken english in README.Debian

 -- Paul Brossier <>  Sun, 29 Jan 2006 20:42:31 +0000

freewheeling (0.5pre4-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Build-Depends on libgnutls-dev instead of old libgnutls11-dev.

 -- Paul Brossier <>  Sat,  6 Aug 2005 15:11:54 +0100

freewheeling (0.5pre4-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Use gnutls-openssl instead of openssl (incompatible licenses)

 -- Paul Brossier <>  Sun, 31 Jul 2005 23:21:50 +0100

freewheeling (0.5pre4-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Upload to unstable (Closes: #291493)
  * Changed default polyphony to 32 to reduce memory requirements.
  * Patch src/fweelin_core_dsp.{cc,h} to compile with g++-4.0
  * Bumped Standards-Version to 3.6.2
  * Updated watch to use qa.d.o/watch/sf.php

 -- Paul Brossier <>  Thu, 28 Jul 2005 05:56:08 +0100

freewheeling (0.5pre4-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release

 -- Paul Brossier <>  Thu, 12 May 2005 00:11:26 +0100

freewheeling (0.5pre3-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release

 -- Paul Brossier <>  Mon, 14 Mar 2005 22:08:49 +0000

freewheeling (0.5pre2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release
  * Change missing physical input/output errors into warnings.

 -- Paul Brossier <>  Tue, 25 Jan 2005 01:31:43 +0000

freewheeling (0.5pre1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial Release.

 -- Paul Brossier <>  Wed,  5 Jan 2005 22:04:28 +0000