AtlasRep for Debian ------------------- The purpose of this package is to download files from the Atlas of Group Representations server. The package is not loaded automatically by GAP, unless it is required by some other package. To load it do at the GAP prompt: LoadPackage("AtlasRep"); The package is configured by default to cache the files under sub directories of $HOME/.gap/pkg/AtlasRep/. This can be changed by setting the user preference UserPreference( "AtlasRep", "AtlasRepDataDirectory") in your ~/.gap/gaprc file, e.g. SetUserPreference( "AtlasRep", "AtlasRepDataDirectory", "/usr/local/share/gap/pkg/atlasrep/") -- Bill Allombert Fri, 08 Apr 2016 21:04:58 +0200