gap-toric (1.9.4+ds-2) experimental; urgency=medium * Debianization: - debian/gap-toric.links, correct (Closes: #924186); - debian/copyright: - Copyright field, year tuple, update; - debian/control: - Standards Version, bump to 4.3.0 (no change); - debhelper, bump to 12; - Depends fields: - gap, bump to 4r10p0; - gap-gapdoc, bump to 1.6.2; - gap-autodoc, bump to 2018.09.20; - debian/compat, discard. -- Jerome Benoit Sun, 26 May 2019 08:21:47 +0000 gap-toric (1.9.4+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream minor release. * Debianization: - debian/copyright: - copyright fields, update; - Format field, secure; - Files-Excluded field, refresh; - X-Source{,-Downloaded-From} fields, introduce; - X-Upstream-Bugs field, introduce; - debian/control: - Standards Version, bump to 4.2.1 (no change); - Depends fields, gap, bump to 4r9p3; - debhelper, bump to 11; - Homepage field, secure URI; - Vcs-* fields, migration to salsa; - debian/patches/, remove; - debian/adhoc/, remove; - debian/makedoc.g, introduce; - debian/rules: - include, add; - get-orig-source target, remove; - debian/clean, refresh; - debian/watch, migration to GitHub; - debian/tests/*: - d/t/control, add new Test-command ; - d/t/makecheck.tst, refresh and simplify; - debian/compat, bump to 11; - debian/gap-toric.{install,docs}, refresh. -- Jerome Benoit Mon, 12 Nov 2018 08:41:53 +0000 gap-toric (1.8+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Initial release (Closes: #848053). -- Jerome Benoit Wed, 28 Dec 2016 03:39:27 +0000