gomuks (0.3.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium The Debug logging behavior has been changed with this upload. Gomuks would start (debug-)logging by default unless DEBUG variable is set to false. This is now changed to log only when DEBUG variable is set and not otherwise. It was pushing all the logs (if DEBUG_DIR is unset) to /tmp/gomuks/ which has now been modified to log onto $XDG_STATE_HOME/gomuks/ if XDG_STATE_HOME is set, and otherwise onto ~/.local/state/gomuks directory. This change has already been merged upstream and would be reflected in future (upstream) releases by default. To check debug logs with gomuks, set DEBUG=1 and look for logs in ~/.local/state/gomuks/ if XDG_STATE_HOME is unset, and otherwise look into $XDG_STATE_HOME/gomuks/. You can ofcourse change it to another directory of your wish with DEBUG_DIR environment variable. -- Nilesh Patra <nilesh@debian.org> Thu, 13 Jul 2023 07:53:07 +0530