groovy for Debian ----------------- A few notes for concerning this package: Build information: Groovy is normally built via maven, however since maven isn't in Debian just yet and debian policy requires all dependencies to be on the system at build time (and not retrieved via a network connection), ant is currently being used. The ant file was generated using the maven build files using the 'maven ant' task, and was then modified to include some of the extra maven.xml post/pre goals. As far as I can tell both builds create the same installables, but please feel free to let me know if you notice something that is out of sync. When maven is available in Debian, we can switch over and use it to perform an offline build. Version Number: Currently groovy is a beta, but since the upstream version number contains a 1.0 in it (1.0beta8) this will be considered a higher version than 1.0 when it's released. For this reason, all beta packages will have a leading 0 in front of their upstream version. This will allow users to ugprade to 1.0 cleanly when it's released. Dependency information: Debian java policy prefers all dependencies to be packaged as separate packages. I've done this for most packages, except those that are CVS cuts, development versions, or out of date packages. Since these dependencies are a specific snapshot of what's been used, I've bundled those in this package, in the debian/bundled.tar.bz2.uue file. Over time, as each of these dependencies mature and are officially released (and groovy adopts them), I'll package them up individually, unless someone else beats me to it. The bundled dependencies are: axion-1.0-M3-dev (development version) commons-collections-3.0-dev2.jar (development version) nekohtml-0.7.7 (to be packaged) openejb-loader-0.9.2 (needs packaging, but is a large package) qdox-1.3 (to be packaged) redeox-0.9 (to be packaged) redeox-oro-0.9 (to be packaged, oro packageok ?) xerces-2.4 (old version, 2.6 in debian, will this work?) xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar (old version, 1.1 in debian, part of the xerces package ok?) Website: A shallow copy of the Groovy website has been included for offline reading in the groovy-doc package. The depth of links mirrored has been set to 2, this means most articles of interest will be in the /usr/share/doc/groovy-doc/ directory. The main index page is Home.html (not index.html as normal) due to the structure of the actual Groovy website itself. The website is pre-fetched and included in the source package as a compressed uuencoded file, as part of the debian maintainer diffs. There's also a 'site' rule that's part of the debian/rules file. To update the website archive, simply run the 'site' rule, and a new website archive will be created (fakeroot debian/rules site). Note that the javadocs which are part of the website, are generated from the package source code and are not part of the pre-fetched website mirror. Misc: Any ideas, thoughts, help, etc with this package is greatly appreciated, please feel free to contact me if you would like to suggest and improvements, patches, etc. Thanks for using this package. -- Marcus Crafter , Sat, 18 Dec 2004 22:45:06 +0100 Groovy's build is now using Ant and compatible with Maven 2. I have patched the Ant build to work with Debian, and I'm deploying Groovy's jars into the Maven 2 repository for Debian in /usr/share/maven-repo Documentation is now completely generated from the code, using the Ant build script. -- Ludovic Claude Fri, 17 Jul 2009 00:33:18 +0100 I have used the same build.xml as before, only adjusted some of the supplied patches. The complete doc does fail, but javadoc is just fine. The jansi jar is needed for the build which I have installed manually. Groovy comes with several jars, I am not so sure which one should be supplied by this package or if there should be two conflicting ones prepared: target/dist/groovy-all-1.7.3-sources.jar target/dist/groovy-all.jar target/dist/groovy-1.7.3-javadoc.jar target/dist/groovy-all-1.7.3-javadoc.jar target/dist/groovy.jar target/dist/groovy-1.7.3-sources.jar Sorry of I could not do more, I am only debugging something else. -- Steffen Moeller Wed, 21 Jul 2010 15:37:49 +0200 The jansi library is already packaged, so the previous entry is no longer an issue. -- Miguel Landaeta Thu, 11 Nov 2010 19:40:59 -0430