# Differences from "foreign distro" installations For the most part, installing the Debian package of guix is similar to installing guix on a foreign distro: https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/guix.html#Binary-Installation The notable differences are: - The guix build group is _guixbuild and the users are named _guixbuilder[0-9] to comply with Debian policy. - The guix-daemon and guix-publish servers are configured run from the binaries in /usr/bin, rather than from the "root" user's guix profile. # Using with sysvinit When installing on a system running sysvinit, you may need to install the daemonize package and to either install the opensysusers package or add the _guixbuild and _guixbuilder[0-9] users manually. To enable the guix-daemon init script, run: update-rc.d guix-daemon defaults