gworkspace for Debian --------------------- Key Bindings: GWorkspace uses key bindings that are configured by GNUstep. In order to get the best use of GWorkspace it is highly recommended that the keys are configured correctly. There are two ways to configure the keys. The debian package 'preferences' offers a graphical configuration for key-bindings as well as other GNUstep defaults. The keys can also be configured using the command line in a simple to use way. GNUstep needs 3 keys to be configured: CONTROL, COMMAND and ALTERNATE. Each of these can have two keys assigned to generate these events. DEFAULTS The default set-up is: * GSFirstControlKey Control_L * GSSecondControlKey Control_R * GSFirstCommandKey Alt_L * GSSecondCommandKey NoSymbol * GSFirstAlternateKey Alt_R (or Mode_switch if there is no Alt_R) * GSSecondAlternateKey NoSymbol Some keyboards may not have Alt_R defined, in which case you will not have a working ALTERNATE key by default. Instead it might be configured as ISO_Level3_Shift. If so, you should redefine your GSFirstAlternateKey to ISO_Level3_Shift. ALTERNATE is used by GWorkspace for copying files. No modifier key will move a file, and CONTROL will link a file. Preferences provides a choice of different modifier keys. Simply select whatever key you like from the drop down lists. If you don't know which key generates which modifier, you can use 'xev' from xbase-clients to find out. Using the command line to fix up a missing ALTERNATE key (this should all be on one line): NB: defaults is /usr/lib/GNUstep/System/Tools/defaults defaults write NSGlobalDomain GSFirstAlternateKey ISO_Level3_Shift Use the same method to set other GS keys. VIEWING If you want to see your current defaults you could use: defaults read or to trim the output: defaults read | egrep 'GS.*Key' The preferences gui shows the default keys when the keys section is first selected (it's the icon of a key with the letter G in the corner). DELETING You can delete a user supplied key-binding that reverts the package bask to the default. E.g. defaults delete GSFirstAlternateKey See Also xmodmap xev -- Jonathan Shipley , Sat, 26 Mar 2005 13:26:50 +0000