httptunnel (3.3+dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=low * Bump to debhelper v9. * Split patches. * Add new patch 06-fix-cppflags-usage.patch, and run autoreconf upon configure. * Add new patch 07-quote-autoconf-definitions. * Update to copyright format 1.0. * Update to Standards-Version 3.9.3, no changes needed. -- Teemu Hukkanen Sun, 24 Jun 2012 10:07:46 +0100 httptunnel (3.3+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=low * Minimal rules debhelper rules file. * Broaden the package Description (Closes: #463375) * Add Homepage field, and update Standards-Version to (no changes needed) (Closes: #463376) * Document -s / --stdin-stdout (hts), -z / --proxy-authorization-file (htc), -w / --no-daemon (hts/htc). Patch from Gonéri Le Bouder (Closes: #438493) * Document the ability to bind to a specific ip address (Closes: #501833) * Update copyright file. * Quote dashes in manpage. * Add watch file. -- Teemu Hukkanen Mon, 15 Mar 2010 00:06:18 +0200 httptunnel (3.3+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low * Repacked upstream tarball to remove IETF RFCs. (Closes: #393374) * Removed emacs variables from changelog. * common.c: fixed stdin-stdout option by pulling an upstream patch for common.c "Change stdout descriptor to 1 (from 0)." (Closes: #429885) Thanks to Israel G. Lugo for the report. * debian/postinst: removed, fixing lintian warning postinst-should-not-set-usr-doc-link * debian/rules: - debian-rules-ignores-make-clean-error - package-contains-upstream-install-documentation * debian/copyright: - copyright-should-refer-to-common-license-file-for-gpl - copyright-lists-upstream-authors-with-dh_make-boilerplate * Updated standards-version, minor changes. * debian/rules: support DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS nostrip, noopt -- Teemu Hukkanen Sat, 11 Aug 2007 21:33:57 +0300 httptunnel (3.2) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream version. -- Teemu Hukkanen Thu, 31 Aug 2000 08:03:42 +0300 httptunnel (3.1-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream version. (Closes: #67354) -- Teemu Hukkanen Wed, 26 Jul 2000 10:59:41 +0300 httptunnel (3.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream version. -- Teemu Hukkanen Sun, 23 Jul 2000 03:52:55 +0300 httptunnel (3.0.2) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream version. -- Teemu Hukkanen Wed, 14 Jun 2000 22:49:02 +0300 httptunnel (3.0) unstable; urgency=low * A stable release created from the development branch. Upstream changes from the previous debian packaged version include two patches, fixing TUN driver compatibility and poll() emulation. Essentially this is the same version as 2.11-2. * Cleaned up the build scripts quite a bit. -- Teemu Hukkanen Wed, 12 Jan 2000 20:09:04 +0200 httptunnel (2.11-2) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream version from CVS * FHS transition -- Teemu Hukkanen Wed, 27 Oct 1999 10:52:18 +0300 httptunnel (2.11-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. -- Teemu Hukkanen Tue, 24 Aug 1999 13:28:54 +0300 httptunnel (2.10-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. -- Teemu Hukkanen Sat, 14 Aug 1999 00:29:55 +0300 httptunnel (2.8-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Release. -- Teemu Hukkanen Thu, 12 Aug 1999 11:56:17 +0300