hyena (0.5-4.1) unstable; urgency=medium * Non maintainer upload by the Reproducible Builds team. * No source change upload to rebuild on buildd with .buildinfo files. -- Holger Levsen <holger@debian.org> Wed, 06 Jan 2021 22:07:19 +0100 hyena (0.5-4) unstable; urgency=medium * [b89a32e] Look in 4.5 classlib dirs (Closes: #809576) -- Jo Shields <directhex@apebox.org> Sun, 03 Jan 2016 14:19:14 +0000 hyena (0.5-3) unstable; urgency=medium [ Iain Lane ] * [00efaea] Fix syntax error in monodoc source file [ Chow Loong Jin ] * [5b03afe] Patch to fix build failure caused by dnl lines in Makefile * [f73eddf] Use dh-autoreconf * [212c5a4] Drop usage of deprecated cli.make * [a64752c] Update my email address in Uploaders * [5fc3a7d] Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 (no changes required) -- Chow Loong Jin <hyperair@debian.org> Tue, 17 Jun 2014 16:40:13 +0800 hyena (0.5-2) unstable; urgency=low * No-change rebuild for CLR 4.0 transition -- Iain Lane <laney@debian.org> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 19:02:17 +0000 hyena (0.5-1) unstable; urgency=low * [f59585f] New upstream release: + Add .config file to hyena.pc's Files variable + Hyena: - Bind gtk_show_uri (bgo#587320) - Add StringUtil.EscapeLike - Add stream based hashing - Add an ApplicationName property to ApplicationContext - New SafeUri class - New Hyena.Downloader namespace/API - New Paths class (bgo#605891) - Handle bad indices in MemoryListModel - Fix LruCache item expiration - Add thread id to Hyena.Log when debugging. - Fix file location queries (bgo#612152) - Make CryptoUtil.Md5Encode thread-safe - [Json] Add serializer - New Hyena.Metrics classes for instrumenting apps - More extensive platform detection probing - Bundle HttpUtility; dependency on System.Web (bgo#607713) + Hyena.Gui - New ListView grid mode - Fix ListView a11y crasher (bgo#615892). - [Hyena.Gui] Fix ActionManager toolitem icon sizing bgo#609265 + Hyena.Data.Sqlite: - Add HYENA_MD5 method - Extend SqliteConnection to handle double and nullable values. - Case-insensitive column checks - Add BinaryFunction class; Lets extensions etc call custom methods from SQL even if they're not loaded initially - Fix exception handling (bgo#609799) * [07b959a] Update copyright file * [c558d2b] No-change Standards-Version bump from 3.8.4 to 3.9.1 * [9bc562e] Fix up .pc mangling -- Chow Loong Jin <hyperair@ubuntu.com> Sat, 05 Mar 2011 04:57:21 +0800 hyena (0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release * debian/control: + No change Standards-Version bump from 3.8.3 to 3.8.4 * debian/source/format: + Use 3.0 (quilt) * debian/rules: + Pass dlls to generate documentation from to mdoc -- Chow Loong Jin <hyperair@ubuntu.com> Fri, 18 Jun 2010 01:57:23 +0800 hyena (0.2-2) unstable; urgency=low * debian/control, debian/libhyena-cil.install, debian/libhyena-cil-dev.install: Create -dev package containing pcfiles. * debian/control: Add Vcs-* lines * debian/control, debian/copyright: Update homepage of Hyena -- Iain Lane <laney@ubuntu.com> Tue, 01 Dec 2009 22:59:46 +0000 hyena (0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes: #542351) -- Chow Loong Jin <hyperair@ubuntu.com> Tue, 22 Sep 2009 01:46:57 +0800