icinga-idoutils for Debian -------------------------- The idoutils include a Nagios event broker module (idomod.o) that exports data from the Icinga daemon. You have to enable it after installing the package Edit /etc/icinga/icinga.cfg and change or append the following line: broker_module=/usr/lib/icinga/idomod.o config_file=/etc/icinga/idomod.cfg Don't forget to restart Icinga after changing the configuration: invoke-rc.d icinga restart After configuring Icinga to use the idoutils broker module, you have to enable the ido2db daemon in /etc/default/icinga by setting IDO2DB=yes and start the daemon invoke-rc.d ido2db start NOTE: If you don't manage your ido2db via debconf adapt /etc/icinga/ido2db.cfg for your need and configure your database before starting the daemon -- Alexander Wirt Wed Mar 17 08:58:44 CET 2010