inadyn (2.10.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. -- Benda Xu Thu, 02 Feb 2023 00:20:49 +0800 inadyn (2.9.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * Remove the '--background' argument from the init script. Closes: #1003677. * Ship configuration examples. * Ship the upstream systemd unit. (Closes: #932918, #983309) -- Benda Xu Thu, 06 Oct 2022 20:38:32 +0800 inadyn (2.8.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Federico Ceratto ] * New upstream release (Closes: #411334, #759278, #846935). - Closes: #759278, #781898, #813347, according to the upstream author Joachim Nilsson in Bug #846935. [ Benda Xu ] * Add Benda Xu as the maintainer (Closes: #879872). * Build depend on libconfuse-dev and pkg-config. - Depend on lsb-base. * Remove duplicated entries on debian/copyright. * Improve package description (Closes: #785397). -- Benda Xu Sun, 03 Oct 2021 22:42:15 +0800 inadyn (1.99.4-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release: - Fix basic HTTP authentication. Closes: #718934. -- Timur Birsh Fri, 09 Aug 2013 13:31:20 +0600 inadyn (1.99.3-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release: - new option --cachefile to specify cache file. - new option --bind to set interface to bind to. - old option --iface used to obtain interface IP with no external IP check. * Fix problem with /run/inadyn access when upgrading from 1.96.2-1. Closes: #709391, #711226. * debian/inadyn.ppp.ip-up: - write PID into /tmp/ * debian/control: - add full list of the supported services to extended description. * debian/inadyn.init: - use log_action_msg() instead of log_success_msg(). - fix lintian warning init.d-script-call-internal-API. * debian/docs: - README renamed to * debian/rules: - tell 'make' do not hide build info. * Drop debian/patches, merged upstream. * Update debian/inadyn.conf. * Add debian/links: - add symlink for /usr/sbin/inadyn to /usr/bin/inadyn. -- Timur Birsh Fri, 07 Jun 2013 11:40:43 +0600 inadyn (1.98.1+git20130517-2) unstable; urgency=low * debian/inadyn.{init,ppp.ip-up}: - change $INADYN_{USER,GROUP} to $USER and $GROUP. Closes: #708734. * debian/inadyn.ppp.ip-up: - env vars should be checked after sourcing inadyn's defaults file. * debian/inadyn.postinst: - remove accidentally left code snippet. Closes: #708735. * debian/inadyn.init: - do not warn if daemon is disabled in $DEFAULT. User can use PPP ip-up script instead of the daemon. -- Timur Birsh Sat, 18 May 2013 14:16:53 +0600 inadyn (1.98.1+git20130517-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release (Closes: #647703): - network timeout was fixed. Closes: #539240. - use symbolic persona instead of numeric uid/gid. Closes: #355276. - man/inadyn.8: fix typos. Closes: #575549, #627970. * Update source package in accordance with the version 3.0 (quilt). Closes: #664352. * debian/control: - bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4 (no changes needed). - bump debhelper build dependency to 9 (needed by debhelper's override mechanism). - add Vcs-* fields. - add ${misc:Depends} to the binary package dependency. - update package's short description. * Bump debhelper's compatibility level to 9. * debian/rules: use debhelper's override mechanism. * debian/copyright: - update according to the new upstream source. - follow DEP5. * Add debian/{manpages,docs,install}. * Update debian/watch with the new URL. * debian/changes: merged upstream. * debian/patches: - 01_uid_tAndGid_t.dpatch, 02_inadyn8ManPage.dpatch: merged upstream - remove. * debian/inadyn.conf: use example config from the upstream README. * debian/inadyn.init, debian/inadyn.default: add init script. Closes: #421114. * debian/{inst,rm}: create debian-inadyn user in debian-inadyn group. * Provide dyndns-client virtual package. Closes: #433822. * debian/source/options: use xz compression. -- Timur Birsh Fri, 17 May 2013 16:58:56 +0600 inadyn (1.96.2-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * debian/changes: Updating it according to the history specified in readme.html. * debian/control: - bump Standards-Version - 3.8.1. - add Homepage field. - remove patch package build dependency. - bump debhelper version dependency >= 7. - remove fakeroot package build dependency. Closes: #345763. - add dpatch package build dependency. * debian/rules: - bump DH_COMPAT - 5. - move DH_COMPAT declaration to debian/compat file. - move example files declaration to debian/examples. * debian/patches: remove patch - 01_testAndCreateOrigTarBall.dpatch: creating orig tarball not necessary. * debian/watch: fix watch URL. Closes: #456473. * debian/copyright: - add me as maintainer. - update FSF address in license text. - add src/base64utils.c and src/base64.h files licence. * New maintainer. Closes: #514769 (ITA). -- Timur Birsh Tue, 16 Jun 2009 10:43:37 +0600 inadyn (1.96-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. Closes: #255606, src/os_unix.c:71: error: duplicate case value. * debian/changes: Updating it according to the history specifyed in readme.html. * debian/control: Having mentioned in the supported servers. * debian/patches/: + 01_testAndCreateOrigTarBall.dpatch: Also excluding '*/bin/linux/*' and '*/bin/mac/*' from the orig tar ball. + 02_uid_tAndGid_t.dpatch: Updating the line numbers for the patches. + 03_inadyn8ManPage.dpatch: Updated according to upstream changes. * dpatch: Had to build the package where dpatch was not available. Consequently, + The patches were applied manually. + debian/rules: the 2 lines with dpatch were put into comments. + debian/control: /Build-Depends/s/dpatch, // -- Shaul Karl Sun, 13 Nov 2005 07:10:21 -0600 inadyn (1.95-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * debian/changes: Updating it according to the history specifyed in readme.html. * initial uploading to the Debian archive. closes: #255606 (ITP). * debian/rules: + %s/makefile.linux/makefile/ due to upstream making a similar change. + install target: using bin/linux/inadyn rather then bin/inadyn. Once again, this is an upstream modification. * debian/patches/: + 02_setUserGroup.dpatch: Removed as it was merged upstream. + 02_uid_tAndGid_t.dpatch: Added to use Unix uid_t and gid_t. + 03_unixSignals.dpatch: Removed since signals handling were added by upstream. + 03_inadyn8ManPage.dpatch: Document the signals being honored explicitly. * debian/control:Standards-Version: Set to 3.6.2. -- Shaul Karl Thu, 4 Aug 2005 15:29:16 +0300 inadyn (1.90-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * debian/changes: Updating it according to the history specifyed in readme.html. * initial uploading to the Debian archives. closes: #255606 (ITP). * debian/patches/01_testAndCreateOrigTarBall: Using fakeroot debian/rules clean before dpkg-source. * debian/control:Build-Depends: Replaced unzip with fakeroot because of debian/patches/01_testAndCreateOrigTarBall. * debian/patches/02_manPages.dpatch: Removed as it was merged upstream. * debian/patches/02_setUserGroup.dpatch: Added to modify upstream handling of the setuid and setgid feature. * debian/patches/03_unixSignals.dpatch: Currently only a framework to handle Unix signals. However it wasn't specified in debian/patches/00list because the full details should be worked with the upstream author. * debian/watch: 2s/net\//net\/readme.html / -- Shaul Karl Sun, 27 Feb 2005 12:29:16 +0200 inadyn (1.86-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * debian/changes: Updating it according to the history specifyed in readme.html. * debian/inadyn.conf: updating it to reflect the recognision of an escape character. * debian/patches/01_testAndCreateOrigTarBall: upstream no longer ships .exe files in bin/win32 which distribution might be ilegal. * man pages: - rm debian/inadyn.conf.5 bacuase inadyn.conf.5 is provided by the upstream author. - debian/rules: /dh_installman/s/debian\/inadyn.conf.5/man\/inadyn.conf.5/ - debian/patches/02_manPages.dpatch: Making it refelct the possible usage of an escape character in the configuration file. -- Shaul Karl Tue, 1 Feb 2005 01:30:36 +0200 inadyn (1.85-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * A new home page, Updating debian/{copyright,control,watch} * debian/changes: Updating it according to the changes specifyed in readme.html. * debian/patches/01_testAndCreateOrigTarBall: using it also to remove the bin directory from the tar ball, partially because it is not clear whether distributing the .exe files from bin/win32 is legal. * man pages: - rm debian/inadyn.8 bacuase is provided by the upstream author. - debian/rules: /dh_installman/s/debian\/inadyn.8/man\/ - Modifying to be more consistent with readme.html by means of debian/patches/02_manPages.dpatch - Adding a new inadyn.conf.5 man page. * debian/inadyn.conf: An example configuration file, which is now installed from within debian/rules with dh_installexamples * debian/control: Modified the single line synopsis according to suggestions made by lintian. -- Shaul Karl Fri, 28 Jan 2005 00:58:24 +0200 inadyn (1.80-16.october.2004-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * debian/changes: Updating it according to the changes specifyed in readme.html. * debian/patches: now only using 01_testAndCreateOrigTarBall. -- Shaul Karl Mon, 18 Oct 2004 11:48:39 +0200 inadyn (1.70-05.july.2004-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * debian/changes: Updating it according to the changes specifyed in readme.txt. * debian/patches/01_testAndCreateOrigTarBall.dpatch is now 01. Adding unzip to debian/control:Build-Depends because of it. -- Shaul Karl Sun, 19 Sep 2004 01:15:32 +0300 inadyn (v1.60-5.june.2004-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial packaging as a deb. -- Shaul Karl Sun, 20 Jun 2004 16:00:03 +0300