jed-extra ========= Contents -------- This package contains extensions for the Jed programmer's editor , mainly from the `Jedmodes`_ repository at SourceForge. See contents.txt for a listing of contained modes with abstracts. The `Jedmodes`_ web site has more detailled information and also a `mail list`_. The Jedmodes repository is a heterogeneous collection of user provided S-Lang scripts (modes). Some of the modes work stable for their authors for ages while others are still experimental, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. .. _Jedmodes: .. _`mail list`: Setup ----- Basic setup is done in ``/etc/jed.d/``, adapt this file to the needs of your site (the comments in this file provide further details) or use one of the alternatives in the ``examples`` sub directory. As the Jedmodes repository contains a mix of modes from different authors, (sometimes providing similar functionality by different means or with different look-and-feel), a complete automatic setup is not possible. In order to make full use of the modes, additional configuration is needed. Users are advised to study the documentation in the source files and add activation code to their ~/.jed/jed.rc. The ``examples`` subdir contains generic examples that could also serve as templates for this task. Versions -------- The version numbering scheme for the jed-extra package follows the versions on Jedmodes. Support for UTF8 is still experimental. -- Debian JED Group $Id: README.Debian 808 2007-07-26 14:31:28Z milde-guest $