jove ( unstable; urgency=low Beginning with Version 4.17.x we drop the automatic recover of crashed jove sessions. This means that your crashed sessions are kept in /var/tmp and will not moved on reboot to /var/lib/jove/recover. You can still recover crashed files with 'jove -r'. You should clean /var/lib/jove/recover from remains of old sessions. If you want to keep the old behaviour, you need to reinstall the init.d script. It is in /usr/share/doc/jove. Don't forget to 'update-rc.d jove start 20 2 3 4 5 .' You also need to set /var/lib/jove/recover to 1777. -- Cord Beermann <> Fri, 14 Feb 2020 19:40:48 +0100