juce (5.2.0~repack-1) unstable; urgency=medium Removal of "libjuce(-dev)" - switch to "juce-modules-source" ============================================================ Starting with JUCE-5.2.0, Debian no longer ships libjuce(-dev) packages, as they turned out to be not useful: the use case heavily favoured by upstream is "static linking". In order to keep JUCE useful for developers and packagers, we now suggest to use the 'juce-modules-source' package instead. Breaking changes ================ See BREAKING-CHANGES.txt (in the 'juce-modules-sources') package for upstream incompatibilities. -- IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU) <umlaeute@debian.org> Thu, 09 Nov 2017 13:46:52 +0100