kalkun for Debian ---------------------- Kalkun can be reached at , but... ...you have to proceed with some final configuration. * Before continuing with these steps, you must already have setup the Gammu-SMSD database (scripts in /usr/share/doc/gammu-smsd/) * Database credentials setup ---------------------------- Edit /etc/kalkun/config/database.php and set the $active_group variable. $active_group = 'kalkun_mysql'; Then configure the database parameters for the selected $active_group For example, with postgreSQL you might set: $active_group = 'kalkun_postgresql'; $db['kalkun_postgresql'] = array( 'dsn' => '', 'hostname' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password', 'database' => 'database', ... * Finishing setup ----------------- There are two methods. - Method 1 (through kalkun web, recommended because it updates the DB where needed) a. Create file /usr/share/kalkun/www/install if it doesn't exist touch /usr/share/kalkun/www/install b. go to kalkun URL and follow instructions http://localhost/kalkun c. Remove install file we created above rm /usr/share/kalkun/www/install - Method 2 (manual DB update) a. Update manually the database. Command will depend on the DB you use: For PostgreSQL psql -U username -h localhost database < /usr/share/kalkun/www/media/db/pgsql_kalkun.sql b. Remove install file rm /usr/share/kalkun/www/install * Configure gammu-smsd daemon ----------------------------- So that Kalkun can see the incoming SMS, edit /etc/gammu-smsdrc and add this line into [smsd] section RunOnReceive = /usr/share/kalkun/scripts/daemon.sh The restart gammu-smsd with: systemctl restart gammu-smsd.service * Extra ------- If you use PostgreSQL (this is not done yet for MySQL, but you may adapt the trigger easily) you can add a trigger to the database for a good integration between kalkun & gammu-smsd-inject. More information on the rationale is at the head of file 01-kalkun-smsd-inject-trigger.pgsql.sql in /usr/share/doc/kalkun psql -U username -h localhost database < /usr/share/doc/kalkun/01-kalkun-smsd-inject-trigger.pgsql.sql You may add a user named 'smsd-inject' to kalkun if you prefer that only this user can read the SMS inserted this way (instead of "kalkun" user) Note the 'smsd-inject' name is set in the trigger, so it has to be the same in kalkun. * If you upgrade from 0.7.1 to 0.8 ---------------------------------- - You will have to update the passwords for the kalkun users in the database. - Default kalkun password has to be updated too If column password of table "users" is f0af18413d1c9e0366d8d1273160f55d5efeddfe you have to set it to $2y$10$Sg0IxngRIIp1qNITM8kWa.aJ26w58F97ByTzDKoRF/dyzKcLfx226 You can find SQL commands to update/reset default kalkun password in /usr/share/doc/kalkun/: For example with postgresql (and a database named 'smsd') you may run su postgres -c "psql smsd -f /usr/share/doc/kalkun/10-reset_kalkun_password_to_default.pgsql.sql" - To compute a hash for a given password run: $ php -r 'echo password_hash("new_password", PASSWORD_BCRYPT) . "\n";' * Plugins --------- Debian doesn't ship the file applications/libraries/Plugins.php from upstream because its license (OSL-3.0) is not compatible with GPL. If you wish to use plugins, you need to manually get it from upstream and install it to '/usr/share/kalkun/application/libraries'.