ktp-auth-handler (22.12.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Aurélien COUDERC ]
  * New upstream release (22.12.3).
  * Update build-deps and deps with the info from cmake.

 -- Aurélien COUDERC <coucouf@debian.org>  Wed, 01 Mar 2023 11:58:28 +0100

ktp-auth-handler (22.12.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Aurélien COUDERC ]
  * New upstream release (22.12.1).
  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.2, no change required.
  * Add/update Albert Astals Cid’s master key in upstream signing keys.

 -- Aurélien COUDERC <coucouf@debian.org>  Sat, 07 Jan 2023 00:07:55 +0100

ktp-auth-handler (22.12.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Aurélien COUDERC ]
  * New upstream release (22.11.90).
  * Update build-deps and deps with the info from cmake.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.1, no change required.
  * New upstream release (22.12.0).
  * Add lintian override for using the  variable to keep the kde-
    telepathy-data in sync.

 -- Aurélien COUDERC <coucouf@debian.org>  Sun, 11 Dec 2022 23:14:51 +0100

ktp-auth-handler (21.12.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Aurélien COUDERC ]
  * New upstream release (21.12.3).
  * Added myself to the uploaders.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.0, no change required.
  * Drop kde-l10n migration rules, not needed anymore.
  * Drop dbgsym migration rules, not needed anymore.
  * Refresh upstream metadata.

 -- Aurélien COUDERC <coucouf@debian.org>  Tue, 05 Apr 2022 00:13:28 +0200

ktp-auth-handler (21.08.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Norbert Preining ]
  * New upstream release (21.08.0).

 -- Norbert Preining <norbert@preining.info>  Mon, 16 Aug 2021 16:30:14 +0900

ktp-auth-handler (21.04.0-1) experimental; urgency=medium

  [ Norbert Preining ]
  * New upstream release (21.04.0).
  * Bump libktp-dev dependency to same release.
  * Borrow minimal upstream signing key from k3b.
  * Update watch file for signatures.
  * Drop Kubuntu from maintainer name.
  * Removed Mark Purcell from the uploaders, thanks for your work on the
  * Added myself to the uploaders.

 -- Norbert Preining <norbert@preining.info>  Thu, 06 May 2021 10:34:57 +0900

ktp-auth-handler (20.08.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload.
  * New upstream release.
  * Update watch file to the new release-service location.
  * Update the build dependencies according to the upstream build system:
    - bump libktp-dev to 20.08.0
    - explicitly add gettext
  * Switch from dhmk to the dh sequencer:
    - invoke the dh sequencer using the kf5 addon
    - call the right debhelper command instead of $(overridden_command)
    - manually force the generation of the substvars for the kde-l10n breaks
  * Bump the debhelper compatibility to 13:
    - switch the debhelper build dependency to debhelper-compat 13
    - remove debian/compat
  * Add Rules-Requires-Root: no.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.5.0, no changes required.
  * Switch Vcs-* fields to salsa.debian.org.

 -- Pino Toscano <pino@debian.org>  Thu, 13 Aug 2020 22:02:44 +0200

ktp-auth-handler (17.08.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload.
  * Raise the libqca-qt5-2-plugins suggest to a dependency, as also indicated
    by upstream.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.3, no changes required.

 -- Pino Toscano <pino@debian.org>  Sat, 20 Jan 2018 10:49:52 +0100

ktp-auth-handler (17.08.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload.
  * Upload to unstable.
  * New upstream release.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.2, no changes required.
  * Simplify watch file, and switch it to https.
  * Stop forcing debian/tmp as local installation directory, installing
    everything to the final location
    - drop kde-telepathy-auth-handler.install, no more useful now
    - no more need to invoke dh_install --fail-missing
  * Bump telepathy-related build dependencies:
    - libktp-dev to >= 17.08.3
    - libtelepathy-logger-qt-dev to >= 17.08
    - libtelepathy-qt5-dev to >= 0.9.7
  * Remove unused build dependencies: libqca2-dev, libqjson-dev, and
  * Replace the libqca2-plugin-ossl suggest with libqca-qt5-2-plugins.
  * Adjust l10npkgs_firstversion_ok to the version where kde-l10n will
    drop translations.

 -- Pino Toscano <pino@debian.org>  Sat, 09 Dec 2017 08:43:41 +0100

ktp-auth-handler (17.08.1-1) experimental; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release (17.08.1).
  * Add breaks/replaces against the kde-l10n packages
  * Release to experimental

 -- Maximiliano Curia <maxy@debian.org>  Mon, 11 Sep 2017 19:59:03 +0200

ktp-auth-handler (16.04.2-1) experimental; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.

 -- Maximiliano Curia <maxy@debian.org>  Fri, 24 Jun 2016 09:34:03 +0200

ktp-auth-handler (16.04.1-1) experimental; urgency=medium

  [ Automatic packaging ]
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8
  * Update build-deps and deps with the info from cmake
  * upstream branch
  * Add a .gitattributes file to use dpkg-mergechangelogs

 -- Maximiliano Curia <maxy@debian.org>  Sat, 28 May 2016 01:56:58 +0200

ktp-auth-handler (15.12.1-2) experimental; urgency=medium

  * Bump build dependencies.

 -- Maximiliano Curia <maxy@debian.org>  Fri, 12 Feb 2016 20:11:49 +0100

ktp-auth-handler (15.12.1-1) experimental; urgency=medium

  [ Maximiliano Curia ]
  * Update watch file.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6.
  * New upstream release (15.12.0).
  * New upstream release (15.12.1).

 -- Maximiliano Curia <maxy@debian.org>  Mon, 01 Feb 2016 10:23:21 +0100

ktp-auth-handler (15.08.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Diane Trout ]
  * New upstream release.

 -- Diane Trout <diane@ghic.org>  Wed, 02 Dec 2015 21:34:42 -0800

ktp-auth-handler (15.08.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Apply homepage update patch from Matthew Cope
  * Update watch file to for KTp's move to applications.
  * New upstream version. (Closes: #784488)
  * Update build-depends for the change to KF5.
    (Move to Qt5 versions and list specific kf5 modules).
  * Update copyright file. (Translations are in a new package).
  * Update kde-telepathy-auth-handler for new KF5 locations.
  * Use --fail-missing to make it easier to find not installed files.
  * Update for rename of ktpcommoninternalsprivate-dev to libktp-dev
  * Use dhmk from pkg-kde-tools to build ktp.
    - Change maintainer to debian-qt-kde
    - Update debian/rules
    - Update plugins path to qt5/plugins.
  * Add KDE's unstable download url to watch file
  * Remove block in copyright file refering to removed files.

 -- Diane Trout <diane@ghic.org>  Sat, 07 Nov 2015 10:40:47 -0800

ktp-auth-handler (0.9.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.
  * Update build-depends ktpcommoninteranslprivate-dev to 0.9.0
  * Update kde-telepathy-data version to be set by source:Upstream-Version
  * Update copyright file
  * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.6 No changes needed.
  * Update debian/watch file to use http://download.kde.org

 -- Diane Trout <diane@ghic.org>  Sat, 25 Apr 2015 19:44:41 -0700

ktp-auth-handler (0.8.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release
  * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.5. No changes needed.
  * Update ktpcommoninteranalsprivate and kde-telepathy-data to >= 0.8.1
  * Update debian/copyright

 -- Diane Trout <diane@ghic.org>  Fri, 16 May 2014 20:46:53 -0700

ktp-auth-handler (0.7.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Add Suggests: libqca2-plugin-ossl
  * New upstream version.
  * Bump Build-Depends ktpcommoninternalsprivate-dev to 0.7.0
  * Bump depends kde-telepathy-data to >= 0.7
  * Update copyright file

 -- Diane Trout <diane@ghic.org>  Wed, 04 Dec 2013 21:52:54 -0800

ktp-auth-handler (0.6.3-1) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Diane Trout ]
  * Add libqca2 dependency
  * Imported Upstream version 0.6.2
  * Set Uploaders to Diane Trout and Michał Zając
  * Include all telepathy client and d-bus configuration files.
            This adds KTp.ConfAuthObserver and KTp.TLSHandler.
  * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.4. No changes needed.
  * Bump build-dep to 0.6.2
  * Update watch file as KDE-Telepathy is now in KDE stable.

  [ Mark Purcell ]
  * Imported Upstream version 0.6.3
  * Add myself to Uploaders
  * Update Build-Depends: libktpcommoninternalsprivate-dev (>= 0.6.3)

 -- Mark Purcell <msp@debian.org>  Sun, 11 Aug 2013 10:22:29 +1000

ktp-auth-handler (0.4.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial release.

 -- George Kiagiadakis <kiagiadakis.george@gmail.com>  Mon, 18 Jun 2012 22:14:40 +0300