kuvert (2.0.0) unstable; urgency=low

  kuvert has been completely revamped, with a number of new features
  and minus some legacy stuff.
   full inbound and outbound support for SMTP
   support for gpg-agent
   simplified action settings
   overridable keys and actions in the comments of From: and To:
   simpler submission wrapper program

   support for pgp2 (but RSA keys continue to work fine, with gpg)
   kuvert no longer stores passphrases itself, ever.
  Because of these changes the new config file format is different. 
  The new kuvert will not run with an old-style config file, but 
  does a rough auto-conversion on startup. It'll dump that skeleton
  in /tmp and tell you about it. You will need to go over that and 
  the kuvert manpage and adjust the config to your liking.

 -- Alexander Zangerl <az@debian.org>  Sun, 29 Jun 2008 21:32:14 +1000

kuvert (1.1.10) unstable; urgency=low

  The configuration options AGENTPATH and CLIENTPATH have been
  deprecated and support for a private q-agent process was dropped;
  while kuvert still suggests quintuple-agent, it is no longer favouring
  it and will work with any (reasonable) external passphrase store.
  kuvert will not start until you update your 
  personal .kuvert configuration file and remove AGENTPATH/CLIENTPATH
  and use the new GETSECRET and DELSECRET directives if you want
  to use an external passphrase store. 

 -- Alexander Zangerl <az@debian.org>  Fri,  4 Nov 2005 16:43:14 +1000