lava-tool (0.25-1) unstable; urgency=medium lava-tool is now deprecated as it is still Python2. lavacli is the Python3 replacement. -- Neil Williams Thu, 26 Apr 2018 09:19:10 +0100 lava-tool (0.19-1) unstable; urgency=medium lava-tool has changed the backend for token storage. This means that existing authentications will not be usable to this new version. This change has been made to fix persistent problems with the python-keyring support, including: * DBus errors when used over SSH * Interaction with gnome-keyring causing authentication failure * Inability to list or remove authentications added to the keyring * Inability to work with other keyring solutions. The new backend is able to list and remove authentications. The new support also removes the need for a default password on the user keyring, so lava-tool will no longer pause waiting for password entry. -- Neil Williams Thu, 22 Dec 2016 09:34:48 +0000