ltsp (19.10-1) experimental; urgency=medium [ Alkis Georgopoulos ] * Correct typo, x64_32 => x86_32 * Enhance install/base64 commands in ltsp.conf * Use x86_32 in iPXE for all x86 32bit variants * Avoid dd/swap boot block on small extended partitions * Use no_root_squash for NFS3 (#25) * Use timeo=600 to avoid nfsmount lags (#27) * Use rsize=32768,wsize=32768 instead of timeo=600 (#27) * Use commas in ltsp-dnsmasq.conf dns-server option (#28) * Avoid `ltsp dnsmasq` failing on multiple proxy subnets (#30) * Set read_ahead_kb=4 for network mounts (#27) * Blacklist floppy module (#32) * Make user accounts available before 55- * Customize the greeter user list (#33) * Avoid section_list: not found warning (#36) * Correctly set _NL * Add dhcpcd to MASK_SYSTEM_SERVICES [ DI FH Markus Kienast ] * Fix PWMERGE_(SGR|DUR|DGR) (#42) [ Alkis Georgopoulos ] * Make snaps run (#44) [ Vagrant Cascadian ] * docs/ Fix spelling of "loosely". * debian/control: - Build-Depends: Prefer "ronn" over "ruby-ronn". - Update Standards-Version to 4.4.1. - Set Rules-Requires-Root to "no". * debian/rules: - Override dh_installinit to not add init script snippets. - Copy ltsp.service file into debian/ and to allow dh_installsystemd to work correctly. * Fix typo in ltsp-initrd man page. * Fix debian/watch file. -- Vagrant Cascadian Sat, 19 Oct 2019 13:23:20 -0700 ltsp (19.09-1) unstable; urgency=low * Customize ltsp.ipxe from ltsp.conf parameters (#14) * Introduce ltsp service, enable NAT, disable flow control (#13) * Support Ubuntu and Debian live isos as bootable images * Implement autologin and passwordless logins * Generate a xorg.conf from ltsp.conf parameters * Implement LOCAL_SWAP * Fix various issues, inside and outside LTSP -- Alkis Georgopoulos Mon, 02 Sep 2019 20:46:26 +0300 ltsp (19.08-1) unstable; urgency=low * Import the new LTSP codebase from With many thanks to GSoC, and the mentors! -- Alkis Georgopoulos Sun, 18 Aug 2019 12:34:56 +0300