luarocks (0.5-1) unstable; urgency=low * Support for multiple local repositories has been added in version 0.5: it installs rocks to /usr/local/lib/luarocks if you have the permission to write to that directory, and to $HOME/.luarocks if you don't. * Flags --from=, --only-from= and --to=, to allow specifying exactly where to get rocks from and where to install them to. * The configuration file format has changed: remote servers are now listed in the 'rocks_servers' array (superseding 'repositories') and the local rocks trees are listed in the 'rocks_trees' array (superseding the 'root_dir'/ 'repo_dir' entries, which were single strings when a single local tree was supported). * The manifest file format has changed. Rebuild your manifests with the following command: luarocks-admin make-manifest /path/to/your/rocks -- Enrico Tassi Sat, 05 Apr 2008 14:28:39 +0200