Format: Upstream-Name: DBD-ODBC Upstream-Contact: Martin J. Evans Source: Files: * Copyright: 2007-2014, Martin J. Evans 1997-2002, Jeff Urlwin 1994-1998, Tim Bunce 1997, Thomas K. Wenrich License: Artistic or GPL-1+ Files: ConvertUTF.* Copyright: 2001-2004, Unicode, Inc. License: other Disclaimer . This source code is provided as is by Unicode, Inc. No claims are made as to fitness for any particular purpose. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. The recipient agrees to determine applicability of information provided. If this file has been purchased on magnetic or optical media from Unicode, Inc., the sole remedy for any claim will be exchange of defective media within 90 days of receipt. . Limitations on Rights to Redistribute This Code . Unicode, Inc. hereby grants the right to freely use the information supplied in this file in the creation of products supporting the Unicode Standard, and to make copies of this file in any form for internal or external distribution as long as this notice remains attached. . NOTE: The original version of this code can be found at This version was slightly modified to allow ConvertUTF8toUTF16 and ConvertUTF16toUTF8 to calculate the bytes required without writing to the target buffer. Files: debian/* Copyright: 2000-2004, Dirk Eddelbuettel 2005-2006, Carlo Segre 2008, Gunnar Wolf 2009, Brian Cassidy 2009-2010, Jonathan Yu 2010, Nicholas Bamber 2006-2012, gregor herrmann 2012-2014, Xavier Guimard License: Artistic or GPL-1+ License: Artistic This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License, which comes with Perl. . On Debian systems, the complete text of the Artistic License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/Artistic'. License: GPL-1+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. . On Debian systems, the complete text of version 1 of the GNU General Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-1'.