libmagpie-perl (1.163200-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ upstream ] * New release. [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Modernize git-buildpackage config: + Fix drop extranous entry. + Avoid git- prefix. * Update watch file: + Bump watch file to format 4. + Mention "gbp import-orig --uscan" usage comment. + Use patterns for version and suffix. * Modernize cdbs: + Drop get-orig-source target: Use gbp import-orig --uscan. + Do copyright-check in maintainer script (not during build). + Stop build-depend on devscripts. * Update copyright info: + Use https protocol in file format URL. + Use License-Grant and License-Reference fields. Thanks to Ben Finney. + Extend coverage for myself. * Add lintian overrides regarding license in License-Reference field. See bug#s786450. * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9. * Modernize Vcs-* fields: + Use protocol https (not http nor git). + Use git (not cgit) in path. + Include .git suffix in path. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.2. * Update package relations: + Relax to build-depend/depend/recommend unversioned on libmoose-perl libtry-tiny-perl liburi-perl libxml-libxml-perl, and stop build-depend/deoend explicitly on (recent perl or) recent libtest-simple-perl: Needed versions satisfied even in oldstable. + Build-depend on libmoosex-nonmoose-perl libmoosex-markasmethods-perl. -- Jonas Smedegaard <> Wed, 06 Dec 2017 01:52:44 +0100 libmagpie-perl (1.141660-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ upstream ] * New release. + Fix minor configreader bug. + Make Internal error handling cope better with structured exceptions. + Remove not-ready-for-primetime DBIx::Class Resource. -- Jonas Smedegaard <> Tue, 01 Jul 2014 17:11:12 +0200 libmagpie-perl (1.141380-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ upstream ] * New release. + Don't try to transform if there are errors fetching the content. + Nested matching now works via both the middleware DSL and the XML config. + Update to the more modern JSON option, add support for blessed objects. + Fix harmless but broken and annoying Kioku test. + Added new 'reset' keyword to builder DSL and XML config. This permits users to reset the matching pipeline to handle special cases. + New proxy Resource class added. [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Fix use canonical Vcs-Git URL. * Update copyright info: + Extend coverage of packaging. * Update watch file to use URL. -- Jonas Smedegaard <> Mon, 19 May 2014 20:00:18 +0200 libmagpie-perl (1.140280-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ upstream ] * New release. + Make the breadboard attribute lazy [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Drop patch 1001: Applied upstream. -- Jonas Smedegaard <> Tue, 28 Jan 2014 11:44:33 +0100 libmagpie-perl (1.140260-1) unstable; urgency=low [ upstream ] * New release. + Fix Class::MOP::load_class deprecation warnings + Protect the individual setter calls in a PUT update with a try/catch block. + Formatting cleanup. + Punt on encoding for now until we find a better way. [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Update package relations: + Build-depend on libdata-class-perl. + Fix build-depend explicitly on perl. + Fix stop (build-)depending on libscalar-list-utils-perl: Provided by perl(-modules). * Add patch 1001 to fix use with newer Moose. Closes: bug##720983. Thanks to Dominic Hargreaves and Chris Prather. * Git-ignore quilt -pc dir, to ease use of git-buildpackage. * Bump standards compliance to standards-version 3.9.5. -- Jonas Smedegaard <> Tue, 28 Jan 2014 01:06:10 +0100 libmagpie-perl (1.131380-1) unstable; urgency=low [ upstream ] * New release. + Make sure SQLite is available for Kioku tests. [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Stop tracking md5sum of upstream tarball. -- Jonas Smedegaard <> Tue, 16 Jul 2013 20:01:20 +0200 libmagpie-perl (1.131290-1) unstable; urgency=low [ upstream ] * New release. + Relax Test::Requires dependency version check. + Added build dependency for MooseX::Role::Parameterized. + Wrap potentially volatile operations in transactions. + Switch to Data::Printer, add the missing dep. [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Relax to build-depend unversioned on libtest-requires-perl. * (Build-)depend on libdata-printer-perl and libmoosex-role-parameterized-perl. -- Jonas Smedegaard <> Thu, 09 May 2013 13:57:55 +0200 libmagpie-perl (1.131250-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial packaging release. Closes: bug#706819. -- Jonas Smedegaard <> Sun, 05 May 2013 13:25:41 +0200