Debian README for libpam-net ============================ To use libpam-net on Debian simply run `pam-auth-update` after installing it and select 'Create empty network namespace on login' and/or 'Join per-user network namespace on login'. You can also use: $ pam-auth-update --enable libpam-net-newnet libpam-net-usernet to do so directly on the command line. See pam-auth-update(8) for more details. This will enable libpam-net for both interactive and non-interactive sessions. For example both ssh logins and processes run through cron(8) will be affected. To enable libpam-net for a given user you should add them to the corresponding group. For example: $ adduser someuser newnet means whenever 'someuser' logs in they will be placed in an empty network namespace. On the other hand: $ adduser someotheruser usernet will place 'someotheruser' into a ip-netns(8) called 'someotheruser' on login. If this netns does not exist yet it is created. However the idea is that you, the administrator, will set up the netns beforehand. Note: When a user is in both the 'newnet' and 'usernet' groups and both PAM modules are active 'usernet' will take precedence. We do this by giving the 'libpam-net-newnet' PAM profile a higher priority than 'libpam-net-usernet'. Though this sounds counterintuitive it is correct since the priority determines which entry comes first in `/etc/pam.d/common-*` but the last entry will take precedence as they are processed top to bottom. -- Daniel Gröber , Sun, 30 Sep 2018 00:18:25 +0200