librdf-rdfa-generator-perl (0.200-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ upstream ] * New release(s). [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * Update Vcs-* headers for switch to [ gregor herrmann ] * debian/*: update URLs from {search,www} to MetaCPAN. [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Simplify rules: + Stop resolve build-dependencies in rules file. + Use short-form dh sequencer (not cdbs). Stop build-depend on cdbs. * Wrap and sort control file. * Tighten lintian overrides regarding License-Reference. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.2.1. * Update copyright info: + Extend coverage of packaging. + Use https protocol in protocol URL. + List issue tracker as preferred form of contact. + Add alternate source URLs. + Extend coverage for main upstream author. * Update watch file: Fix typo in usage comment. * (Build-)depend on recent librdf-ns-curated-perl. Build-depend on and recommend recent libattean-perl (not librdf-trine-perl). (Build-)depend on recent liburi-namespacemap-perl. Recommend librdf-ns-perl. Recommend (not build-depend or depend on) librdf-prefixes-perl. * Build-depend on libtest-modern-perl. * Skip testsuite build-dependencies when bootstrapping. -- Jonas Smedegaard <> Sat, 03 Nov 2018 02:53:09 +0100 librdf-rdfa-generator-perl (0.106-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ upstream ] * New upstream release. [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Improve short description, based on upstream META hints. * Update package relations: Build-depend on libtest-output-perl. * Update watch file: Use substitution strings. * Modernize cdbs: + Resolve archs in maintainer script (not during build). + Avoid dh-buildinfo to support building without (fake)root. + Stop build-depend on licensecheck dh-buildinfo. * Modernize Vcs-* fields: + Use git (not cgit) in path. + Include .git suffix in path. * Declare that regular build targets does not require root access. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.1.2. * Update copyright info: + Stop track no longer shipped file HACKING.pod. + Stop track no longer included embedded code copies. + Fix strip legacy leading ./ from a file path. + Extend coverage for main upstream author(s). + Extend coverage for myself. -- Jonas Smedegaard <> Sat, 23 Dec 2017 13:20:11 +0100 librdf-rdfa-generator-perl (0.103-2) unstable; urgency=medium [ Salvatore Bonaccorso ] * Use canonical hostname ( in Vcs-Git URI. * Update Vcs-Browser URL to cgit web frontend. [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Add README.source emphasizing file as *not* a show-stopper for contributions, referring to wiki page for details. * Install examples. * Update copyright info: + Use License-Grant and License-Reference fields. Thanks to Ben Finney. + Relicense packaging as GPL-3+. + Extend copyrigt coverage for myself to include recent years. * Drop patch 1001: Build problem turned out to be (and fixed by now) in CDBS. * Update watch file: + Bump to file format 4. + Watch MetaCPAN URL. + Mention gbp --uscan in usage comment. * Modernize git-buildpackage config: Filter any .git* file. * Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.8. * Modernize Vcs-Git field: Use https protocol. * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9. * Add lintian override regarding license in License-Reference field. See bug#786450. * Modernize CDBS use: Build-depend on licensecheck (not devscripts). -- Jonas Smedegaard <> Mon, 26 Dec 2016 12:53:55 +0100 librdf-rdfa-generator-perl (0.103-1) unstable; urgency=low [ upstream ] * New upstream release. [ gregor herrmann ] * Remove debian/source/local-options: abort-on-upstream-changes and unapply-patches are default in dpkg-source since 1.16.1. [ Jonas Smedegaard ] * Bump dephelper compatibility level to 8. * Bump standards-version to 3.9.4. * Update package relations: + Stop (build-)depending on libcommon-sense-perl: No longer used upstream. + Relax to (build-)depend unversioned on cdbs, devscripts and debhelper: Needed versions satisfied in stable, and oldstable no longer supported. * Use for Vcs-Browser field. * Add patch 1001 to avoid auto-installing dependencies during build. * Update copyright file: + Update Files sections for convenience copies of external Perl modules. + List upstream issue tracker as preferred upstream contact. + Fix use pseudo-license and pseudo-comment sections to obey silly restrictions of copyright format 1.0. + Bump file format to 1.0. + Fix strip trailing space. + Update copyright file: Add Files section for newly added HACKING.pod, and corresponding CC-BY-SA_UK-2.0 License paragraph. * Use URL as Homepage. -- Jonas Smedegaard <> Thu, 13 Dec 2012 14:13:54 +0100 librdf-rdfa-generator-perl (0.102-1) unstable; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Update copyright file: + Fix use separate sections for Artistic and GPL-1+. + Improve references for convenience copy of Module::Install. + Add references for convenience copy of Test::Signature. + Rewrap and shorten comments. + Quote licenses in License comments. * Drop patch 2001 (disable verification): Upstream no longer verify source integrity in testsuite. * Bump policy compliance to standards-version 3.9.2. -- Jonas Smedegaard <> Thu, 07 Jul 2011 10:17:56 +0200 librdf-rdfa-generator-perl (0.101-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial packaging release. Closes: bug#616593. -- Jonas Smedegaard <> Sat, 05 Mar 2011 23:23:31 +0100