Files excluded from Debian package ================ The Debian documentation package ships some samples that won't run out of the box. This is because the data files aren't free (and for some of them it's questionable if it's even allowed to distribute them). To run these samples you might need to find replacements for the following files: examples/android/app/src/main/assets/canary.wav examples/android/app/src/main/assets/orchestral.ogg examples/iOS/resources/canary.wav examples/iOS/resources/orchestral.ogg examples/opengl/resources/background.jpg examples/opengl/resources/texture.jpg examples/shader/resources/background.jpg examples/sound/resources/canary.wav examples/sound/resources/orchestral.ogg examples/win32/resources examples/win32/resources/image1.jpg examples/win32/resources/image2.jpg The Debian source package does not ship any of the xcode templates since they also include non-free resources like the ones above.